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LED bulbs in buttons and dash

I wanted to test the feasability of swapping the interior bulbs to LEDs and get of of that God awful green color.

I went on ebay and bought a pair of #174 single LED bulbs in super white and proceeded to replace the two bulbs in my message center with them. (The message center is the console computer that comes on the limiteds and eddie bauer models and possibly some other models as well)

I removed the two existing bulbs from the unit and using an exacto knife I lifted the connections from the bulb to remove the bulb itself from the plastic socket that you need to reuse.

I then trimmed away the extra plastic I didn't need on the LED bulbs and routed the connections from the LED bulbs the same way the factory bulbs were run into the plastic socket. Then I put them back in the console and was done

HUGE improvement over stock considering I bought them just to test if it was worth doing to the rest of the buttons and the cluster itself. The difference in lighting and brightness is almost like having the same lighting as the new Hondas with the super bright instrument clusters! I also noticed that the green color is simply a rubber boot over a white bulb. Its not a green film inside the buttons and switches nor is it a green bulb.

As a side note the bulbs and sockets if bought from a dealership are $9.50 a piece to replace! So LEDs are definitely the cheaper route and brighter in case anyone is interested in replacing burned out ones or looking to rid themselves of that sickly green lighting motif that Ford chose. Obviously if you wanted to go with a blue or red LED scheme to match the lighting in a gauge pod or something you could do that as well.

I plan on swapping out all the other bulbs in the cluster and buttons to match the super white I have in the dome lights and courtesy lights.

Pics to follow soon...:salute:

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I wanted to test the feasability of swapping the interior bulbs to LEDs and get of of that God awful green color.

I went on ebay and bought a pair of #174 single LED bulbs in super white and proceeded to replace the two bulbs in my message center with them. (The message center is the console computer that comes on the limiteds and eddie bauer models and possibly some other models as well)

I removed the two existing bulbs from the unit and using an exacto knife I lifted the connections from the bulb to remove the bulb itself from the plastic socket that you need to reuse.

I then trimmed away the extra plastic I didn't need on the LED bulbs and routed the connections from the LED bulbs the same way the factory bulbs were run into the plastic socket. Then I put them back in the console and was done

HUGE improvement over stock considering I bought them just to test if it was worth doing to the rest of the buttons and the cluster itself. The difference in lighting and brightness is almost like having the same lighting as the new Hondas with the super bright instrument clusters! I also noticed that the green color is simply a rubber boot over a white bulb. Its not a green film inside the buttons and switches nor is it a green bulb.

As a side note the bulbs and sockets if bought from a dealership are $9.50 a piece to replace! So LEDs are definitely the cheaper route and brighter in case anyone is interested in replacing burned out ones or looking to rid themselves of that sickly green lighting motif that Ford chose. Obviously if you wanted to go with a blue or red LED scheme to match the lighting in a gauge pod or something you could do that as well.

I plan on swapping out all the other bulbs in the cluster and buttons to match the super white I have in the dome lights and courtesy lights.

Pics to follow soon...:salute:

I know you got these from ebay but ccould you post the link. sweet mod!

all you had to do was use #94 led bulbs and swap the factory bulbs for the leds and be done in like 5 minutes.

Do you think the breadboard LED assemblies are brighter than just replacing the bulbs with a set from ebay?
