LED bulbs vs. regular bulbs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LED bulbs vs. regular bulbs

I was doing some searching around and I was wonder how people like the LEDs. I have read a couple of threads on installs and the flicker situations which are easily rectified but performance wise, how do these things fair over a conventional bulb? I know I will never ever replace them again as long as I own the vehicle which is nice.

I'm mainly talking about brake lights and everything other than the headlights because if I do anything headlight wise it will be an HID.

Any and all input would be helpful and also links to some of the sellers and brands.

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leds last longer most use less volts and they run cooler. Led's stand out alot more than halogen, and leds that are colored really bring the vechile to life. It will be fine in practically all vehicles and applications the problem that people run into is using them as there blinkers usually where you will get a hyper flash but that is easily fixed, I have leds in my whole truck except the front turn signals in the corner lights.

Thats exactly what I was planning on doing in all my vehicles. I was just wondering how much a difference over the conventional bulbs there is. Also I was thinking of wiring in some LED stand alone housings in the front just like some DTRL. Any thoughts on the controllers for that?

stand alone leds i believe are more for dj equipment i would remend one for cars not sure if thats what u meant. I have some led strips behind my 2 grills in the front and they were easy to install.

everything on my explorer minus my front turn signals, markers and headlights are LED. The turns and markers will be LED as soon as I finish my new front fascia. The explorer I gave to my ex also uses all LED lights.

As far as headlights go..... You of course already know there is no legal way to put LEDs in place of your stock halogens, so oh well. For a person with a 1st gen, they do have the option of getting an E-spec headlight assembly that use rectangle replacement bulb. JW Speaker makes a rectangle LED bulb that is DOT legal for around $400 a side.... but yeah... I digress... it doesn't really apply to you. Since I am converting to round headlights, I might go with their round headlight replacement or Truck-Lites round LED headlight replacement some day, but idk.

LEDs (good ones) will outlast your vehicle, and they make very little heat. Unfortunately, LEDs can't handle a lot of heat either, so for high power arrays you need some way to dissipate heat, but for your purposes, you shouldn't have to worry about it much.

LED tails, especially brake lights are a good investment IMO. LEDs light up many times faster than an incandescent bulb, so that is a good safety feature. As for bulbs.... well, honestly, most PNP bulbs suck, even some of the more expensive ones. You see them all over the place with a couple dozen LEDs or SMDs on them to try and make enough brightness, but without the wattage, you just aren't gonna get the lumens out of them you need. High wattage = high heat. So, I will recommend a PNP replacement bulb, though it is pretty spendy, even the 3 watt version is as bright as a good stock bulb. http://www.elef-usa.com Buy those bulbs, they will last forever and be as bright as you could ever ask for. Or, buy cheaper ones on Ebay, replace them in a few months to a couple years. You could also buy from some of the more reputable LED sellers, and they will last a couple years too I guess.....

Just to get it out there though, I am in no way connected with elef-usa, so I don't have anything to gain by you purchasing from them or one of their competitors. I am only recommending them because they are FRIGGEN AWESOME! Honestly, the bulbs aren't true plug and play...... but, it doesn't take much to put them in, they are kinda designed to be universal in a way....

What is sometimes a better option if you are good with electronics is to make your own array by taking apart your taillight assembly and making a board to fit the housing. You can usually get a lot more brightness out of those than you can PNP replacements, since you can run higher wattage, but you have plenty of surface area for heat dissipation. HIDPlanet's forum has a good section for LEDs where you can learn a lot about making your own boards if you are interested in that.

@FIND i gotta say u really know your stuff about lighting....after i read all of your posts i truly feel smarter lol, sorry for fighting with you in previous post's about hids.

Thanks FIND! Those lights are exactly what I was thinking of. I appreciate the link. I was checking out a few different sites with brake lights and reverse lights with the LEDs on them and it got me thinking. Any particular brand you recommend for the brake lights or parking lights? Have you found one to be better than the other?

You mean like the little 194 bulbs? With those, I think the PNP replacements are a little more acceptable since a 194 bulb is not a super bright bulb anyways. I just don't like low power LEDs for the bright filament on turn signals or brake lights. For replacing 1156/1157 3156/3157 and those types of dual filament bulbs though, you definitely need something that uses high power LEDs.

I can't really make any recommendations on brands.... I don't buy many PNP lights. I do know those ELEF lights are good though, I know 2 people who have them, and I used them in my ex-wife's explorer.

Alright I appreciate all the info. I'm taking the truck off the road for most of the summer and doing some well needed work so I will just add it to the list. I saw a bunch of people mention streetglow and I haven't really looked into that brand name before. All I associate that stuff with is honda's with loud exhausts

If you are looking for LED strips, yeah Streetglow is a good company. You can also check out Oznium.com, I got some stuff from them way back in the day and was satisfied with their product overall.

superbrightleds.com they will have every bulb u have/need and then some and its easy to cross reference the bulb.There cheap/bright and come in a bunch of colors and sizes.I never bought from any other site.....:)
