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Well-Known Member
January 23, 2010
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'98 XLT
i'm looking for a lift for my '98 XLT. i'm not sure if i want a body or suspension yet. i'm looking for more ground clearance and tire up-and-down travel. im not sure that was a good way to put it but i hope you get it. and i want something monderately priced: probably not more then $500. any ideas?

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there is so much info on this site and broken links and whatnot, i just thought this would be easier for a direct answer. i havent been able to find the solution for what i specifically want to do. i have searched, but this is much easier =)

ok, i think i know what i want to do. maybe a body lift pa-883, and shackles from warrior, and then torsion twist the front up to make it level? sound like a good idea or is there something i should rethink?

ok, thought of something else. where could i find the exact demensions of those warrior shackles? i can make some for free, and i want to be able to get about 2" inches of lift instead of the 1.25. so couldnt i just make the shackle itself longer?

ok, thought of something else. where could i find the exact demensions of those warrior shackles? i can make some for free, and i want to be able to get about 2" inches of lift instead of the 1.25. so couldnt i just make the shackle itself longer?

You're not big on doing things for yourself are you? :rolleyes: This website is full of knowledge and information. All you have to do is search!

Warrior Dimensions-

Try it.

umm, yeah i am big on doing stuff for myself, thats why im a member of this site. i like doing my own work. its a lot easier to start a new thread when it doesnt HARM or SLOW anything down, then look through endless information trying to find my exact problem. yeah, i admit i couldve searched for that one, but why not add it to my already open thread? thanks for the link btw. i started them yesterday.

you dont need to get warrior shackles just go to autozone and get a set of there universal lift shackles there ony about $20 for a set and have different lift heights

you dont need to get warrior shackles just go to autozone and get a set of there universal lift shackles there ony about $20 for a set and have different lift heights

And dangerous. Flimsy with no center cross brass for support to prevent them from swaying side to side on turns. Also not DOT approved.

Warriors, may seem over priced when your viewing them online. Intil you get them in your hands and can see the build quality. The differance between stock, autozone shackles and warriors is an amazing differance.

I know that the AutoZone shackles are flimsy, but I just picked them up for $20 and then welded in my own square tubing cross braces and then powder coated them black and then I have a nice set of $25 Warrior Shackles :)

Just my $.02

And dangerous. Flimsy with no center cross brass for support to prevent them from swaying side to side on turns. Also not DOT approved.

Warriors, may seem over priced when your viewing them online. Intil you get them in your hands and can see the build quality. The differance between stock, autozone shackles and warriors is an amazing differance.

Agreed 100%. For roughly $60 shipped to your door, the Warriors are the way to go. I don't really know why anyone would go any other route unless they wanted more lift than the Warriors give you.

Agreed 100%. For roughly $60 shipped to your door, the Warriors are the way to go. I don't really know why anyone would go any other route unless they wanted more lift than the Warriors give you.

Also agreed...they are very stout. Been running them for 3 years on my daily driver, some of the powder coating they came with is flaking but that's it.

cool, thanks guys. i'm still working on building some. havent been able to get at the tools for a while, but if they dont work then i'm going to go with the warriors.


Assuming that your rear axle is centered in the leaf pack and not off set to the front or rear, then all youde need to do in terms of shackles to gain 2" of lift is make your shackles 4" longer than they are right now.
