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Lift questions

June 3, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 sport 4x4
I Plan on lifting my explorer on a tight budget i just wanna fit 33's nicely i was gonna buy a 3'' body lift and fab up some Rear Shackles as well as coil spacers any other suggestions on a inexpensive lift?

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also i drive a 2 door and have a 4 door parts truck would those coils and leafs be effective in getting my 2 door to stand taller?

That's all you'll need to fit 33s. I would regear it as well, though.

The 4 door leaf springs will lift it a little, but I'm not 100% on how much. Try searching around this site as others have done it.

wonder if shackles, AALs, spacers, and 2" coils would be enough to clear 33s cause if so i have a free set. hmm. also on a side note, Froader, i heard you had an awesome spare tire carrier.. did i hear correctly?

wonder if shackles, AALs, spacers, and 2" coils would be enough to clear 33s cause if so i have a free set. hmm.

You can't use spacers and coils. 2 inches is the max without getting drop bracket (lift kit) for the front.

For 33s to fit, 4 inches of lift would be best. The cheapest way would be spacers/coil seats and a body lift.

also on a side note, Froader, i heard you had an awesome spare tire carrier.. did i hear correctly?
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cant fit 1.5 spacers and 1.5 leveling coils without radius arm drop brackets? that sucks. that ruined my entire next couple months. lol i was gonna use my income tax check to buy a subaru impreza to drive to work and back, now i might have to buy drop brackets.

on my 4 door a 3" bl was fine.... I had very little rub

eh im trying to stay away from a body lift.. really dont like them at all. i guess i wont go as big as i wanted, i think the truck will look stout with shackles, AAL, front coils and some 31s or 32s. or i might opt out for shackles and 4 door leafs and then just coils in the front. i dont know.. its still too cold on clear days, and when its warm is raining non stop. stupid WV weather.

wonder if its even worth buying front leveling coils when i can get the same height out of spacers? although extended coils would be more solid than coils and a spacer. any ideas?
