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Lift Spindle Bearings


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
Edit: The bearings fit I just had to press them on a little.

I got lift spindles on eBay but the seller didn’t mention if you can use stock size bearings with them. I know some spindles require you to run f150 bearings instead.

Is this where the stock bearings usually sit on the spindle? They won’t go any further. I just realized the outer bearing is backwards in the photo.


Did you ever get it on and what year X do you have I was looking at some one eBay and didn’t know for sure

Did you ever get it on and what year X do you have I was looking at some one eBay and didn’t know for sure
Not yet. Mine is a 2000. I’m still checking if I’ll need longer brake lines.
