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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

Finally able to post up in this thread! been stalking it for months lol this is my 2002 Trac, it has factory 4:10 gears, and so far my mods include custom intake, gutted cats with 3.5" exhaust, superchips F4 tuner, and 2004 expedition mirrors. It currently has a 2" TT up front and a custom 4" add a leaf in the rear, sitting on 33x12.50 Maxxis Bighorn 762s on factory first gen ranger 15x7 wheels with 2" wheel spacers. Custom front prerunner bumper and custom rear hitch mount tire swinger.

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Nice truck Chad.

heres my addition to the thread
3" body lift and 2" torsion twist on 33's
body lift kit link?

2005 with 3” body lift and 265 -18” tires (32”)
2005 mustang V6 installed as original engine was bad when we bought it.
Pulled body cladding and painted it black with rustoleum semi gloss.
It’s getting there!


