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Lifting a 97 Ex

New Question!!! lol
I have to buy new shocks anyways, with a TT and shackles would i be better off buying new shocks that are for 1-2 inches lift...or should i stay with stock shocks?

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it drives fine on the hwy, again with 3.73 gearing check the door sticker as yours may differ. also you can still use the stock length shocks with the shackles

Ya, but sense i have to buy new shocks anyways, i was wandering if it would just be as effective to get 1-2 inch lift shocks? there not much different in $ than the ones i was gonna get anyways lol.

And 4.10s should bring it to stock, alright, well i cleaned it today, ill go check it out. see what i got.

Just look for the code on the drivers side door jam.

Says i have a D4 Axle.. and the chart i found here says thats a Limited Slip 3.73.
