Light up LED when unlocking Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Light up LED when unlocking Explorer

I'm trying to light up LEDS that I am going to be putting either in my wheel wells or in my headlights, what wire would I tap into? I know the lights underneath mirror come on when I hit the unlock button but how would I tap into that? I don't know how to take apart the mirror to even access the leds underneath the mirror.

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You could just get the LED replacement lights from Autozone, plugs right into the bulb socket, and its a small "plate" of like 40 LEDs, and theyre bright as hell!

Check out my registry, Ive done a full LED conversion, the whole interior only costed 40$, but theres much cheaper routes like just replacing the bulbs with LED bulbs (eBay) but I wanted todo it the cool way, and put LED strips overhead




The blue's are wired to a switch in the console, and the white ones above are the actual dome lights that come on with the doors/unlocking/etc

Thanks, but I'm looking to use a rely to power additional LEDs that I mount elsewhere. I just want to hook the relay up to the mirror lights so they only come on when the doors are open or I hit unlock on my remote. Any idea what I am talking about or how to accomplish this? I just don't know where to find the wire...

Ohhhhhh, I understand, I dont really know jack squat about relays, I know what they do, so I understand what your meaning, but I guess instead of using the mirror hotwire, id use the corner lights at the bottom of the front doors...that would be hella easier.

Do you mean the corner lights by the headlights? Because wouldn't that cause the LEDs to be on whenever the headlights are on? Because I'm pretty sure the parking lights are whenever the headlights are on. Or do you mean something else when you said "corner lights at the bottom of the front doors"? Thanks for helping out though!

Shoot I forgot you have a 3rd gen, does it have any lights on the front doors?

Like mine has a hand sized light on the bottom rear corner, like a warning light/reflector to let oncoming traffic know the doors there

Nope :'(

I guess I'll have to wait for someone that knows something about the mirror lights. I really appreciate your help with my last few threads!!! A++

No prob man, it feels good to help rather than be helped...

All you really need is someone who has a wiring diagram for the mirror harness and see which leads are for the puddle lamp.

OR if you didnt mind a little extra work (More time really than work, IMO it would be easier than splicing into the mirror) You could just splice from one of the overhead dome lights...

If you search for a hid headlight install write up done here by someone they installed leds in the headlight housing that did what you want, to come on when the mirror lights go on I am interested in finding out too. actually i think i asked him that in that thread. ill link it here if i find it.
here it is check this out one of the last install pics btw mustangp51 is a LED wiz if you have questions
