Little bro's getting an EX! Important Q first. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Little bro's getting an EX! Important Q first.


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December 9, 2001
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Edmond, OK
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2003 Limited 4x4 V8
It's a '99 EB w/ 109k on it. Asking $8,988. Mint condition everything. Except.....rusting frame. It looks like it was from a state up north where they have alot of snow and salt on the roads at all times.

Is this a very bad thing to have this much rust. Should we throw this idea of getting it out the door and look into getting something else? How long does rust usually take before it starts affecting the parts and driveability of the vehicle?

Thanks, we'll be looking at buying this sometime this weekend or monday.

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I would check out the body, especially the inside bottom of all the doors. That's where my X has rust, but its more due to water puddling inside then salt. My frame and underside have rusted a bit but I'm not worried. Everything is fine mechanically and its not like the frame's going to rust out anytime soon.

On an EB, I'd be more worried about having to fix that dang message center in the console. In my opinion, I know a lot of guys like that thing, its a waste of money and it really doesn't give you that much good info. Plus, its a grand or so to get it replaced.

The price you're paying seems a little high to me. There's a ton of Explorers around with less miles for less money. The used car market is way too flooded right now to pay anything near Blue Book value. I'd keep looking for one near you that has no rust. Come up to KC, there's a ton there.

Thats way too much for that. And the miles are really high for the year. Move on. There's plenty more.

I live in upstate NY near one of the biggest salt mines in the northeast. I have a 96 sport that has been owned locally since it was new with 125k on it. The underside (frame rails, etc.) has quite a bit of rust but still is tough as all heck, the body surprisingly hasnt rusted much, the tricky areas you should check are on the underside of the rear hatch, the door jams, usually in front of the rear fender, also check the engine bay for significant oxidation on all the aluminum parts and casings, it shouldnt really be as big a problem with a 99 though even though this x has higher miles. I wouldnt pay any more than 7 for that year with that much mileage, I picked up mine in 2000 with 86k for 4500, and that was in mint garaged condition

So....should i tell them to go for it (say, if we got around $7,500 for it) or completely negative? Just keep looking? I mean this is going to be my 16 year old bro's first car, is it going to be that big of a deal if he has rust all over the underside and frame?

Thanks alot, i'll keep everyones opinion in mind tomorrow. But like i said he's wanting to get a car on saturday (which is technically today). So let me know soon.

Much appreciation.

I'd say if hes not gonna be driving it long distances and reeeeeally up-ing the mileage on it, go for it, but not for almost 9000$. If hes just gonna use it to bee-bop around and off-road every now and then, ah heck, rock on.

i was looking at a 2000 SPORT that didn't have that many miles and it was cheaper

That's way too much money. I looked at 2000's with 30k on them for 11,900, and that was at a Ford dealer, where I could have probably gottem them down at least a 1000. Even 7,500 is high for something with so many miles. I'd look elsewhere. Explorers are everywhere.

I would deffinitley wait to find something with lower mileage. There are plently of used Explorers out there around that year with lower mileage. Keep looking and remember to check EVERYTHING on it to make sure there are no problems before buying it. Good Luck!

Check the tranny fluid color before you buy any Explorer. Also make sure it will go from air conditioning, to both hot and cold. Listen for abnormal noises as it switches between them.

On this note, theres a 98 EB for sale, their asking $9800 for it, it says it retails for $13 something but I can't even get it close to $13 on KBB. I'm not sure of the miles or anything, gonna look at it today but what is a good price to pay for it? back in jan I paid $13 and some change for my 2000 with 36K on it along with a 3/36K warrnety.

It all depends on the miles, and condition inside. I'd assume it has around 80k on it. With 80K I wouldn't pay any more than 9k. I paid under 10 for my Mounty with 53k on it.

Hate to say this, but if this is for your bro's first car, I would tell you not to buy an Explorer. If he's going to be paying for the repairs/insurance/gas for it, he's not going to have a whole lot of money leftover. I love my Ex, but frequently I think maybe I should have gotten a Focus instead, especially when I fill up my tank for $35 once a week. And gas prices are not going down anytime soon, at least not back down to the good ol' days of $1.29 or something. The gas, plus the insurance and possible repairs, makes Explorers an expensive investment for a 16 year old kid.

Take a look at this advice on the main page:

I'll agree with it being an expensive investment. I work alot and its the only thing I have so normally I'm ok $$$ wise. Winter it gets hard sometimes because it gets even worse milage but I would rather have the 4WD for the snow then be paying repairs for a car that I slid into a ditch. But thats just how I look at things. Maybe a Ranger would be a better Idea?

Rangers are even more expensive than Explorers. I was looking at possibly getting a Ranger when I was replacing my EB, but they are really hard to find with low miles and a decent price, 4x4 too. Sure X's can be expensive, but half our money in them is on add-ons. We just get the bug. I wouldn't get one with many miles on it, I was looking for 70 and less and I found a ton. Screw getting an EB, they aren't worth the extra money, there are a ton of other ones out there that are better. I think a Sport may be a better option. They are cheaper, can use lack of seating as an excuse not to cart all the friends around, 4x4 is good....though I loved my EB, I love my Sport 10 fold.

Edit: My X sucks gas in winter too, but going out on the roads when nobody else can is sooooo worth it. Not having to worry about getting stuck in parking lots, being able to make it up icy hills, parents allowing you to still go out and drive when roads are "bad". 4x4 is worth every cent in my opinion. I hate winter, but I love driving on a bed of fresh powder.

Explorers aren't very expensive to insure. They only have an insurance rating of 7. The repairs do tend to get expensive. I'd definately get a warranty on any Explorer.

as the owner of a 92 and now a 97 i'd suggest this
open the rear hatch on any 01-2001, and inspect the lower part of the hatch gate on the back side of the hatch...from MY EXPERIENCE these tend to collect rust very fast and can quickly eat though the tail gate

EBInterceptor- Thats one reason why I have dropped the idea of getting a car. And there is no sense getting another truck when the one I have is fine. I have noticed around here that the EBs go for more. Funny thing is, you can get an XLT simarly equipped for a lot less. The number one rule is go for LOW MILES!!!

EX- I have a '95 with only 85k. The are out there. You just have to hold out long enough to find them.

The X I looked at had 86K on it, the console top was pretty much shot but he said that would be replaced. Their asking $9800 for it and the warrenty is $729 but I'd want that for nothing and maybe a few more bucks knocked off. Its an EB with the 5.0, all wheel drive, basically all the options. Tires are pretty good but the front quarter panel has a crease in it from what looks to be a parking lot mishap.

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hey explorer4x493, did he ever get the ex? and also, if you havent done it yet, i dont need the wiring diagram for the over head console...i got it working. thanks a lot man, though. happy trails!
