Looking at purchasing Sport Trac, Need advise | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at purchasing Sport Trac, Need advise

yup, there were only two tracs within 100 miles of where i lived for sale when i was looking for mine. i found them both on autotrader

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going Wednesday to look at this one, Dealership said they could finance me for it


Bad (that I know of right now)
Radio bezel needs painted
grab handles on doors are faded
Button is chipped for cruise control



Grey interior (I didn't want tan, every vehicle I have owned has been tan)
Full console
hard tonneau
windows already tinted

has 119xxx but it's $3000 - $6000 cheaper than other ones I have inquired about and thats only 20xxx-30xxx more than the others I have looked at. It is only a 2 wheel drive but the only 4x4 I found is 2 hours away and they want 14k for it. I might just get one like this or similar long enough to build my credit back up and go get a newer one.

yup, there were only two tracs within 100 miles of where i lived for sale when i was looking for mine. i found them both on autotrader

There are many tracs in Miami. Sometimes I'm driving and there a two other tracs right next to mine.

The 4x2's go for a lot less money than the 4x4's.

I know I've seen a white trac on a lot around here, I just can't remember where... -__- it mightve been on davis or j&c.

theres also a red one at germain toyota. it's an 02 rwd with about 83k miles.

I know I've seen a white trac on a lot around here, I just can't remember where... -__- it mightve been on davis or j&c.

theres also a red one at germain toyota. it's an 02 rwd with about 83k miles.

yeah I don't know if germain will finance me, I found this one at Labelle Dodge, Gonna take a look at it tomorrow hopefully
