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Sport Trac Tires and Lift


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June 19, 2007
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97 Explorer
I have a 2005 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 4Dr 4WD

I take the truck on the beach ocasionally during the summer time for fishing and noticed that depending on the beach conditions the truck can be a little low (bumper actually hits sand sometimes)

I am getting close to needing new tires and was wondering what is the largest size tire I can get for the sport trac that may give me a little lift. I would like to go as big as possible without worry of the tires rubbing at all when making turns and such.

What other options may I have? I thought of a lift kit but have no experience with them and know nothing of them other than looking briefly online and seeing they are expensive! (Saw one on line for $2,000)

Any help would be appreciated

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I was on the beach Yesterday and had to put stuff on my rear right tire cause it was in a hole, a bigger tire could solve the problem for me, so the same ? remains for me, but i have to wait cause mines are 3 months olders... also the lift kit will come in that change of tires..

A 3" body lift only costs $300 for the parts a torsion twist and shackle lift (1.75") is only $70 in parts. Then you could put 265/75/16.

Also look in the FAQ regarding max tire size for stock tracs. It says max is 265/70/16 with a slight possibilty of rubbing at full wheel lock. Check out the FAQ for more.

A 3" body lift only costs $300 for the parts a torsion twist and shackle lift (1.75") is only $70 in parts. Then you could put 265/75/16.

were i can find the Twist and shackle lift? thanks in advanced!!!

do some searches on this site and you will find tons of info on how to do it.

I'm in a situation kinda like the captian. But th answer is a simple yes or no. Would a 2" TT and shackle let me put some 33/12.5/15 BF Goodrich All-Terrain on without future problems?

Dont want to spend the 2000 bucks, but I dont want to screw myself over either.

You can but you will need to cut some plastic because they will rub for sure.

I'm in a situation kinda like the captian. But th answer is a simple yes or no. Would a 2" TT and shackle let me put some 33/12.5/15 BF Goodrich All-Terrain on without future problems?

Dont want to spend the 2000 bucks, but I dont want to screw myself over either.

Will need some trimming for sure. My 265/75/16 (32"x10.5") rub in full wheel lock with the TT and shackles.

For a beach I'm thinking you need wider as well as taller tires. A 265/75-16 (32") will fit with just a TT and shackles, that's what I had on my old '05 Trac. They rubbed the swaybar on the front and the inner fenders on the rear a teeny bit but not enough that you noticed or that wheel spacers wouldn't fix. For better flotation on the sand I'd go with 32x11.50-15's on 15x8 rims with a TT and shackles. 3.75" backspace on the 15x8's and the tires won't hit anything.
