Looking for a great all-season sport tire... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for a great all-season sport tire...

With winter just around the corner, and my Scorpion Zero's rapidly decaying, I think its time to pick up a new set of shoes. The Pirelli's which I have on the truck now are amazing in dry/wet traction, but were an embarassment in the winter (which is fully understandable for a summer street tire). This time around, I'd like to have one thats capable of all seasons.

I've been looking around and so far this one seems to be my best bet. It's a Yokohama Geolandar H/T-S G052

It seems to be able to hold its own throughout the seasons which sounds great. I'm not looking for something to go climbing through the endless mountains with, just something that can decently handle your average NE coast winter without throwing me all over the road. The tire wear also seems better then the Scorpion Zero, but I think anything would be bettter then those.

So anyone have any experience with this tire? Or any other reccomendations? It will be going on a 17x9 Cobra and i'm looking to "downsize" to 255/** so I can mount without spacers.

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your looking for a street tire right, considering you have 255/55/17...hmmm

In order to round out the g-Force T/A family, BFGoodrich wanted a tire that provided performance driving fun year round (even in snow) and developed the BFGoodrich g-Force T/A KDWS (Key benefits: Dry, Wet and Snow) to combine Ultra High Performance with All-Season traction. g-Force T/A tires are BFGoodrich’s flagship family of performance tires which includes everything from racing radials for the SCCA Trans Am Championship and DOT Legal Competition tires, to Max Performance and Ultra High Performance "summer" street tires.

The g-Force T/A KDWS uses a new tread compound molded into an asymmetric tread design with large, stable outer shoulder tread blocks to enhance dry traction while its inner independent tread blocks enhance wet road grip and light snow traction. Together, the tread compound and tread design help evacuate water from between the tire’s contact patch and the road to enhance wet grip when braking (it earns the highest "AA" UTQG Traction Rating) and cornering. Internally, the g-Force T/A KDWS’s polyester cord body incorporates BFGoodrich’s g-Control Sidewall inserts to enhance steering response and twin steel belts to deliver cornering stability. Additionally, the steel belts are reinforced with BFGoodrich’s ETEC (Equal Tension Containment System) spiral wound nylon to provide high speed durability while minimizing weight and maximizing ride qualities.

The g-Force T/A KDWS tires feature subtle black letter styling and are available in 55-, 50-, 45- and 40 -series; W-speed rated sizes for 16" to 17" wheel diameters.

BFGoodrich g-Force T/A KDWS (Ultra High Performance All-Season)

Size: 255/50WR17
WR Speed Rated
Price: $132.00 each
Estimated Availability:
In Stock


briwayjones said:
Doesn't look like they would be very good in snow to me.


I think I might end up getting the Geolanders unless someone has something else to say about them...

LiKuiD said:
I think I might end up getting the Geolanders unless someone has something else to say about them...
I've heard only good things about them.

Toyo Proxes are all season rated aren't they?

I'd be afraid to take my Yoks in the snow!!

I put on the Geolander A/T Plus II in August and have been very happy with them. Even with the agressive tread pattern, they are surprisingly very quiet too. I paid $110 a tire. I put 265/70/r16 on my 98 sport and they fill up the fender wells nicely with no rubbing at all. I would whole heartly recommend these tires.

briwayjones said:
Sounds like he wants something more like an All Terrain tire instead of an All Season tire.

Sport Tire and All Terrain don't go together.

www.tirerack.com Ratings for all types Bridgestone Dueler H/L Alenza sitting on
top of the ratings If that's what you're looking for

briwayjones said:
Sounds like he wants something more like an All Terrain tire instead of an All Season tire.

Nah, just something capable of handling some snow. The "roughest" stuff I go on is mountain roads that are just dirt that any car can handle. I'm just looking for something that can dabble in a few inches of snow without going crazy on me.

Now here's a dumb question but will a 17x9 rim that had a 275/55 fit a 255/55? I don't want as wide as a tire as I have now because I want to ditch the spacers. I think thats the size most people run with the Cobra R's without having any rubbing...
