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Looking to detune


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May 7, 2024
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2018 Ford Explorer Police
I recently purchased a 2017,2018 x 2 and a 2019 Ford Explorer Police Interceptors . I will be using them as taxis in my business. The issue I am
having is these 3.7 are way to fast for my drivers. I called my local Ford dealer and he said it isn't possible to detune these monsters. Does anybody know how I can govern these suvs to 65 mph (105 kmp canadian speed)? They are the perfect vehicle for what I need them for. It's just a little bit to fast . Putting a brick under the gas pedal is probably another option if I don't find anything. LOL Any help would be greatly appreciated .

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Being that they were police vehicles, I'm guessing they don't have the My Key feature. Is that right?
I don't know if it can be detailed using FORScan.
Otherwise, the drivers should just use common sense like most drivers. A vehicle will only go as fast as the driver wants it to.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Being that they were police vehicles, I'm guessing they don't have the My Key feature. Is that right?
I don't know if it can be detailed using FORScan.
Otherwise, the drivers should just use common sense like most drivers. A vehicle will only go as fast as the driver wants it to.

No it does not have the My Key feature. I was hoping that maybe there would be some kind of way of doing this.

If the Explorer is "too fast" then you have a training issue with the driver. Its 300 hp in a 5k vehicle. The driver's aren't exactly going to be hotrodding around town doing 4wd burnouts. LOL. It sounds like you need to coach your drivers on speeding and adherence to state and local traffic laws. Have a comprehensive progressive safe driving policy that starts with the hiring process and ultimately encourages safe driving habits. You can monitor their driving habits with GPS tracking, dash cameras, etc. As for "detuning" the vehicle I suppose you could use HP Tuners and set the max speed to whatever you like. But realize if you set the max speed to 65 mph your drivers will hate you and be very unhappy. Hire the right drivers. Train them. Trust them until they give you a reason not to.

Fords are known for being slow & underpowered lol. In all seriousness, the 3.7 in the Explorer body had good power, but definitely isn't fast. IIRC it only runs mid-15's in the 1/4 mile. You need to make your driver's responsible for their actions. As a backup you can get trackers in them like go track which will automatically sends notifications when someone breaks the posted speed limit or exceeds a certain preset speed (such as 65mph) or any other parameter you may set.

I think you can tune it to have rev and speed limiters. I would call any local tuning shops and explain your situation and see if it's doable, or try and tune yourself. Personally, I think you should change it to be a little over the speed limits to make passing possible.

