Lund Rear Windjammer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lund Rear Windjammer


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2006
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City, State
Columbus, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
Hey I am thinking of buying a Lund rear Windjammer (Prod. # 38017) from Link and I was curious as to what it looks like. I want the look of MonMix's rear windjammer (it's also made by Lund) but I'm not sure if its the same look. Anyone know if it is? Link to Monmix's ride (scroll down a bit to see rear windjammer wing)

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the photo in the amazon link says it is for a chevy...

I'm sure that's a filler picture.
Both and's application guide say its for my vehicle. See the conundrum? There's no picture of it on MY vehicle, but it is on YOURS, which is a 2000. So the essential question remains: does the one on YOURS (2000 sport) look the same on MINE (2001 sport)?

no clue :(

I take it lund has no pics ?

Did you try Froogle ?

I have a WindJammer on my '99.


  • wing.jpg
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  • wingrearview.jpg
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do they work? they keep the mist and dust off the rear window right? do they work with the rear opening window

do they work? they keep the mist and dust off the rear window right? do they work with the rear opening window

for looks yes

no not really

yes they do.
