Lund Wind Jammer Install | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lund Wind Jammer Install

The Lund Wind Jammer that I ordered from Truck Stuff USA (Dead Link Removed ). It cost $79.00 delivered to my door. This is a great company; my order was at my door 2 days after ordering with no extra freight charges.

The wing is made of a shiny black plastic. It would probably look ok mounted as it comes; however, I wanted it to match my truck’s color (Chestnut Metallic ).

I ordered paint from Paint Scratch ( On their website you can match the factory paint code ( B4/M6938 ) and they make the paint and in my case put in 12 oz spray cans of Chestnut Metallic Clearcoat. It took about 10 days to arrive. They have a section on their website where you can check your order status.

First step in the painting process was to thoroughly sand ( 600 to 1000 grit ) the wing to prep it for 2 coats of “red” primer. The primer was sprayed on and allowed to dry 1 hour followed by a sanding with 1000 grit paper then another coat. This was allowed to dry for 24 hours.

Then the color paint was applied in 3 coats with 1-hour drying time between each coat. This was followed after a 1-hour drying time, with clear coat, I used 3 coats with a 30 minute dry time between coats.

I let the wing dry overnight and then gave it a good rubbing with rubbing compound. Then I mounted it to the truck with the supplied 3M tape.

The paint came out looking very “factory”. I am happy with this project.

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Let see what it looks like~!

Where are the Pictures?

Originally posted by CBoug76
Let see what it looks like~!

Where are the Pictures?

Sorry that this took so long....


  • wing.jpg
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Looks great!

Looks great...I'm getting one of those in two days for my B-day! I will just leave it black though cause I have the Black bugshield/trim/Head&Tail light covers.

I considered leaving mine black ( factory color ) but felt it would look better Metallic Chestnut, my trucks colot.

Another view....


  • wingrearview.jpg
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Another view....


  • rearwing2.jpg
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Has anyone had problems with the 3M tape that holds the Windjammer on comming off?

In less than 6 months, one side of my Windjammer came loose.

Where can one get this 3M tape?


Yes. First off, it wasnt a perfect fit. It had to be a little bent into place. Second, one of my sides is lifting a little. I think you can buy this tape at the hardware store... or maybe

I am just wondering whats the difference between with wind jammer and the saleen wing? ive seen some pictures but I can't really tell.

It should have come with 4 screws also. I installed mine with both the 3M tape and the screws and it's still up there.

I've picked up the 3m Tape at local auto parts stores and Wally World.

Originally posted by jonny 5
It should have come with 4 screws also. I installed mine with both the 3M tape and the screws and it's still up there.

It DID come with the screws' I choose not to use them and still don't want to use them.

Originally posted by aldive

It DID come with the screws' I choose not to use them and still don't want to use them.

I'm with Aldive on this one. I would rather not drill into my trucks nice paint... Even if it is gonna be covered up.

Originally posted by RoadEnforcer
I am just wondering whats the difference between with wind jammer and the saleen wing? ive seen some pictures but I can't really tell.

About $400.

The WJ is plastic, the Saleen wing is made of a composite material (fiberglass, I believe).

The windjammer sticks up a little. The saleen wing is pretty much straight off the back level with the roof. Here is a pic of my windjammer. I think black majic has a saleen wing with pics.

Here... This is black magics truck with a saleen wing.

What I wouldn't give to have that spoiler on my Explorer, hmm hmm hmm

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Hey Aldive,
Just wanted to knowhow many cans of primer, paint and,clearcoat it took to do the job? I just don't want to order any more than i have to.
