M5OD-R1 Low Gear Swap Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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M5OD-R1 Low Gear Swap Questions


Well-Known Member
June 23, 2008
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City, State
Keizer OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Ford Explorer XLS
Ok so I've been doing a fair amount of reading up on the M5OD-R1 transmission lately on here, the rangerstation, and elsewhere, and I find some conflicting information. So I just wanted to make sure I had it right. I know there was a few other platforms for this transmission, but below are the ones I was interested in and could find multiple sources on.

My question is, is it possible to swap the lower 1-3 gears from the smaller ranger motors into the 4.0 application for the M5OD-R1's, or could the lower geared R1 bolt up to a 4.0 OHV possibly as is?

What potential issues would have to be addressed in such a tranny build, or would this even be worth the trouble at all?

Furthermore....is my research of the different gearing of the M5OD-R1 even correct?

Alot of questions I know, but any help or link shedding light on these would be appreciated.


  • M5OD-R12.jpg
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Wow...well that's great! Thanks for the link. That will be good to know for future tranny rebuild.

I was planning on doing that with mine but I'll probably just buy a used M5R1-HD.

..:shifty_ey ..Now everyone's learning even more reasons why I love my little 2.3L Ranger..:D

Yea! Add a little more power and just imagine! That's about the best combo for a Ranger.

or could the lower geared R1 bolt up to a 4.0 OHV possibly as is?

If you can find one from a 2.9L, it will.
Unfortunately 4WD versions of this trans are pretty rare (I got lucky when I found the one for my BII).

Seems only a portion of 1990 2.9L 4WD Rangers had them.

Just something to think about if you are doing a rebuild- gears aren't cheap. Figure close to $100 per gear.

Might be possible to find a junk M5R1 with the gearing you want and pull the gears if they are ok.

Might be possible to find a junk M5R1 with the gearing you want and pull the gears if they are ok.

That's the ideal way. Find a similar drive(4x4 or 4x2) and swap EVERYTHING over. You can keep your existing output shaft if you can't find the correct output trans.

Update on tranny rebuild

Been a while, but I've been driving on my "hybrid" tranny now for a a couple months. Feels great, much better off the line. Haven't seen any difference in my MPG (a tad better if anything). I scored a new 2.9L gear set for a pretty good price. I'd definitely recommend this mod to anyone driving a manual with over sized tires.

A little word to the wise though, watch out when you put it in 4Low 1st gear for the first time....it'll surprise you. We had a little ice/snow/frozen rain here a couple weeks ago and needless to say it "jumped" off the line when I put it in gear to see what it'd feel like in 4L haha.
