MAF problem (HELP!!!) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAF problem (HELP!!!)



I don't know nothing about inyection, and I need your help:
1 week ago, the "check engine" ligth turns on when I go at 75MPH aprox. The mechanic makes the tests, and told me that the problem is the MAF sensor. I need to buy a new one, but here, in Argentina, nobody have one, and I need to order the part at USA.
Please, what's the part I need? the aluminium tube, or the black piece over the tube? Which is the sensor? I don't trust Argentina's services.
I know this is a primitive question, but I need you to explain me.
If you don't understand something I wrotte, please ask me.

The MAF is the aluminum thing inside the black plastic. You might want to see the tech tip that Rick wrote about the MAF I dont know if it will work. But if they say its shot and your going to buy another one why not.

You should first try to clean the sensor as detailed within Ricks pages.

If that does not work out,then purchase a larger one aftermarket. It will most likely be the same price or cheaper than a stock one from Ford and you will get better performance out of it.

Try and clean the sensor with some carb. cleaner. It is set inside the aluminum housing after the air cleaner (probably black plastic bolted to housing) The sensor looks like four prongs with two resistors between each set of prongs. Be sure it is dry when you put it back in. To remove it you will need a torx bit with the center drilled out. I think they call it a security torx. You will be amazed at what cleaning it will do for you. Do this as a regular maintainence.

Good Luck,

