Manual Transfer case? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Manual Transfer case?


Well-Known Member
October 30, 2004
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City, State
Jay, Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Eddie Bauer V8
I want to replace the push button with a manual transfer case. What transfer cases will fit from another vehicale?

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I *think* that the one from the same year ranger will work. Same drivetrain,etx. I'm not certain through.. I have a 96 explorer, and I used one from a 92 ranger. Bolted right up =]

you need a borg warner 1354 transter already have one in the truck, but its elec shift, so obvouselt you need to find a manual shift version....

Great. Now I have to find one. The Push button wireing system has shorted out in my truck. SO Ill just by pass it all and throw in a Manual.

Thanks everyone

Just thinking out loud: Aren't the guts of the manual and electric cases the same? If so, couldn't you just ditch the motor and install a manual shift linkage to the case?

Just a thought...


Just thinking out loud: Aren't the guts of the manual and electric cases the same? If so, couldn't you just ditch the motor and install a manual shift linkage to the case?
Most but not all of the internals are the same on the manual and electric shift BW1354's. The cases are the same basic castings but they are machined differently to accept either the manual linkage on the front case or the shift motor on the rear case. Probably not worth trying to convert one to the other.

The 1354 manual was available on some Gen1 Explorers, certain 90's Rangers and 2002 FX4 Ranger and 2003 FX4 Level II Ranger.

The 1350 manual t-case (on some Bronco II's and Rangers w/smaller engines) will physically interchange but it has a lower torque capacity rating. Ford never used the 1350 behind a 4.0L in the Ranger/Explorer. Any 4.0L's that had a BW13xx case had the 1354. Based on that, I would assume that the 1350 would not be a good choice for an Explorer.

But, a 1350 shifter will work with the 1354 =]

Also, if you unbolt the motor, you can physically rotate the selector with a screwdriver, i think =]

But yea, go find yourself a 1354 tcase, and hopefully the shifter too. Otherwise, find a 1350 shifter. If you can, snag the floor plate from the ranger/explorer the case came out of, otherwise you'll just have to cut the one that is in the truck. Once again, I think it has the outline for the cuts you need to make. Otherwise just guesstimate, its not critical.
