Mark's '93 XLT 4x4, Virginia | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mark's '93 XLT 4x4, Virginia

Specs Updated 06/02/2006

Mark Whitley
Windsor/Suffolk, VA

Been a member for a while, but just got my Explorer this past March. Specs on the X are listed below. My other ride and DD is a '96 Sierra street truck.


[highlight]Tires & Wheels[/highlight]
33x12.50 ProComp M/Ts
15x8 Series 97, 3.75" BS

[highlight]Front Suspension[/highlight]
6" Skyjacker Class II w/ extended radius arms
F150 coil seats
ProComp extended brakelines
ProComp 9000 shocks
Factory swaybar w/extended endlinks

[highlight]Rear Suspension[/highlight]
4" Superlift leaf springs
2" Warrior Shackles
ProComp extended brakelines
ProComp 9000 shocks
No rear swaybar

[highlight]Front Axle[/highlight]
4.10 Ford Motorsport gears
Quick-Lok locker
Warn manual hubs

[highlight]Rear Axle[/highlight]
4.10 Yukon gears
Trick Flow 8.8 girdle

[highlight]To be installed shortly[/highlight]
rear Aussie locker
Rear bumper w/tire carrier/can mount

More pics in my Sig link
When I first got it...


Pics below were taken this past weekend at Sherando, VA in the GWNF. The gravel road is FDR 42 (Coal Rd.) The trail is FDR 162 (Stony Run Trail) The 2nd Gen is my brother, Matt97 on the site. Hope these pics aren't too big.. If they are, I'll be back to edit them...




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Thats cool! Man its a job no doubt... Doing my lift by myself took forever. How far back do your arms extend? My skyjackers go back to the trans mount.

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Lance you need to start a registry of your own... you've got a nice truck.

Dig what Old Dominion Freight Line dropped off at work for me... Nevermind the B&W, was being artistic this weekend in the mountains.


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I know I need to start my own...Just haven't got around to it.
My arms extend back to about 3" in front of the trans X member. All total, they are about 12" longer than stock. So far so good, the ride is SOO much smoother with the extended arms, it doesn't feel like the front end is going to shake apart anymore when I hit a bump in the road haha

Mark, I found my old registry from when I first went elite...
ya happy now! haha :D ;) :thumbsup:

Got the bumper on a couple weekends ago...


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So Mark where did you get the bumper/tire rack?

We were a little surprised not to see you last weekend at the Crozet Run.

JoshC fabbed it up for me. Did a great job working with me on what I wanted and making it all come together. Main bumper is 2x6, 1/4" wall :eek:. The glass clears the swings and almost clears the tire. If the tire was spaced out like 1/2" it probably make it.

Looks like I missed a good time at Crozet. Between almost rolling it at Shoe Creek :rolleyes: a couple weekends before and having a bunch of little stuff to do I let it slip by. I shoulda hussled on it and gotten my nerve back and just done it. I'll be there next time we go. I really like the looks of it.

Bumper looks great on there with some paint on it Mark, really makes your truck look aggressive. How is it holding up for you?

Josh it's been great so far. Haven't gotten to really put it to use, but its holding the tire fine, virtually no deflection. Still need to get some shackles and a hitch or at lease a pin. Was wondering about the shackle mounts... are they only welded on the outside of the bumper or do they extend through to the other side and welded there too?

Shackle mounts go all the way through. That was the first thing i did. They are welded on both sides just like the hitch.
