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Massacre at Colorado Movie Theatre


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST

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I'm an atheist, but even I have offered a prayer to the victims, their friends and their families.

On the bright side. The infant recovered and has already been released to its parents.

They have the guy in custody, which NEVER happens. Prayers and good thoughts out to everyone involved :(

SHowed up at work today to find that a co-worker, and her husband were hit, as well as another ex-coworker of mine. All are alive, but the ex-coworker in critical condition :/

I had many many other friends watching the movie at other theaters last night too...

So hard to believe..

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

I say just open a vein and pour the chemicals in instead of a lethal injection.

^ To me lethal injection is not cruel and unusual punishment, however, others would argue. I believe yesterday I read that Texas has become the first state to use a new form of lethal injection that is only 1 chemical injection. Anyway, if this guy doesn't get life, he should get the death penalty. It is still hard to believe on many accounts since one doesn't expect that everyday life, such as going to the movies, can result in death. I sincerely hope that the injured can soon heal, but emotional scars can take so much longer.

this just furthers a point. Mental health issues should NOT be taken lightly.

Talk to a neighbor, a friend, a pastor, a priest, a police man, just take this ####ing **** seriously.
Often times what people dismiss as quirks and character traits could be symptoms of a mental disorder, and gone unchecked, some times stuff like this happens.

You break a leg, you go to the doctor, you chop off a finger you go to the hospital, so then why is it that if you get jacked up in the head and you are depressed or always angry or thinking of killing your self or others its so ####ing taboo to see a therapist ????

ITS OKAY TO ASK FOR HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Too often I see people who are judgmental of those who seek help, and people who are too embarrassed to seek help. There is nothing wrong with saying, "Things are a little tough and I could use some support or someone to talk to." I do not like this culture that views anything but absolute self-reliance as a sin.

Speaking of people with mental health issues. Half of what I have been reading about this shooting has been people blaming their political opponents for the shooting... I've seen it all, from people blaming Limbaugh, to people blaming PP&ACA, to a Texas Congressman blaming attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs. People saying we need more guns for protection (against a guy in body armor in a crowded smoke-filled room), people saying we need to outlaw guns to prevent this (I'm sure this kid was very concerned about breaking the law). These people aren't even buried yet. Show some respect. Any of you who hear someone blaming someone, tell them to shut up and learn some human decency. No one knows yet why this kid did it, but he was obviously a troubled individual. The last thing the victims need is someone using them to gain cheap political points.

+1 to Monmix and FIND. This is just pathetic. Everytime you think the human race can't go any lower, some idiot does something so incredibly stupid that it goes down a whole extra level. I know he was mentally unstable or whatever, but what a freakin' coward and lowlife. Running into a movie theater armed with all that police equipment towards innocent people is just terrible and I just can't see what point he was even trying to make. There is so much I feel and want to say, but have no idea how to put it in writing. Just...come on already.

And to the political side of things, someone on Facebook made a really good point that I fully agree with. What happened there isn't some political motivation or idea. It's a tragedy where many innocent people got killed and even more hurt for no apparent reason. And now people are trying to turn this into some support or criticicism against the right to bear arms and even bringing religions into this. This is absolutely not the time or place or thing to be discussed like that. Its just sad to see some people trying to selfishly take this as support for their belief.

My prayers for everyone affected.

This was just sickening.

On the other point mentioned earlier. Why are we as a society so content with giving life sentencing. Especially when a life or lives were taken by the convicted? We as tax payers need not to be paying for this or any other ******** living arrangements for the rest of their life. On the other hand, the convicted need to die as those he took the life from. A horrid and painful death. If a life is taken by cruel intention, then life needs to be taken in the same manner. But as society has it, lethal injection, electrocution, or hanging will do the job.

^ I have mixed reactions to the death penalty. As a christian, we do not have the right to take another's life regardless of what they did, on the other hand, the Bible does say, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". I do think that our justice system is weak, and there are too many loopholes in the law. I also think that a forum, like this, can bring individuals together. While I may not think that guns are the problem, others may disagree. I, too, hate how things automatically turn political, but unfortunately, we are all media fed. Yesterday morning when I woke up until now the only thing on t.v. or online concerns the Colorado shooting. It is very easy to form an opinion, which by itself isn't wrong. What always concerns me is the Christian haters or political advocates who strongly believe their opinion(s) outweigh others. Lets not forget about the victims.
