Max width on Stock rims? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Max width on Stock rims?

Hello all!

I have a 1992 Eddie Bauer with orginal color matched rims. I am looking to upgrade the stock tires with a wider tire. The question is how wide can you go on a stock rim and what will fit under the truck as well. Also keeping the tire diamameter close to keep the spedo on track. I am looking at street tires or all season ones.
Sizes under consideration....
285 60 R15, 265 65 R15, 245 70 R14, or max out at 305 55 R15.

What do you guys think?


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I run 32X11.5's on my 92's stock rims. Works fine.

Wow, another person from wisconsin. We are up to 3 now.

I run 31X10.50 on my stockers. I've seen 33s run on them with no problem.

hey what about 305/70/16r's ? not only would they fit on the rim but what about under the car, for width reasons... Heights not a problem

I believe that you can run a tire as wide as 11-inches on a 7-inch rim as an approved tire size. I believe that the approved width is no more than 4-inchs. Note approved means that any tire shop will sell and service the tire and would likely void any warrenty. Now that being said, many people run unapproved tire widths. I run a 12.5-inch tire on a 8-inch rim. I have had no problems doing this.

I am not up on my metric tire sizes, a 31x10.5x15 is the largest tire that may fit, and it may hit. A 30.5x9.5x15 is the largest approved tire.

Any tire diameter larger that stock will affect the speedometer. Also larger tire diameter will affect the engine performance, less acceleration, different fuel mileage.
