Mercedes will offer a truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mercedes will offer a truck


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..Not my kind but thought it was interesting..:popcorn:

"The Mercedes-Benz pickup will share some of the architecture with the all-new Nissan NP300 but it will be engineered and designed by Daimler to meet the specific needs of its customers," Daimler says in a statement. "The vehicle will have all of Mercedes Benz' distinctive characteristics and features."


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I like the one they already make! ;)


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It's a Toyota Tundra with a different front end. The side windows make it obvious.


It's a Toyota Tundra with a different front end. The side windows make it obvious.


Actually, It's based off a Nissan chassis according to Mercedes... But what do they know.

The chassis might be Nissan, the body is Toyota.

Regardless its ugly and it'll be over priced. Besides you can't even pretend you actually need a truck if its got a Mercedes symbol. Not everyone that owns a truck needs one. But they pretend lol

Not to derail the thread but saw this cool Mercedes flatbed at a recent car show. The owners name was Gerhard and wearing Mercedes coveralls. He kindly explained how the set up works using a combination of pneumatics and hydraulics.

So the rig is front wheel drive with a mercedes 404 portal axle and the rear is well, interesting lol. I got to watch As he set the rear on the ground...I was hoping to get video of it as he set it back up to driving height but missed it.

There are hydraulic jacks that raise the rear tires off the ground then the tires are pushed outward to clear the bed. Now the bed can be lowered down. Gerhard says the truck was used for parking violaters in Stuttgart. The truck was brought over to the US in upstate NY where Gerhard ended up buying it and now resides in southern California.


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