MFT/SYNC feature suggestion / wishlist | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MFT/SYNC feature suggestion / wishlist


Active Member
March 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'11 XLT 4x4
Listing my wishlist ...

1. Internal hard disk to store music
2. Internal memory to store music index & associated artwork, song name, album, artist, genre, etc.
3. Hardware reboot/restart button
4. Import destination from Android FORD Sync application
5. Internal cell-phone for 911 vs using external phone via bluetooth
6. No lock for Navigation while in motion (passenger can input destination)
7. Faster navigation load on startup (cache maps in internal memory)
8. Cache address book in internal memory
9. Send vehicle report automatically on configurable interval, using Internet data connection.
10. Place SYNC services button in Home page (in the Phone quarter display)
11. Place Favorites short cut within 1 menu press from Hone page, or activated by double press of the voice command button
12. Present update software over the air (via Internet Data Connection) vs. having to use USB.
13. Internet browser in display with bluetooth connected wireless keyboard.
14. 4 USB ports, each having higher power capacity to charge phone while connected and using it for music player
15. USB data tethering for Android phones. I currently publish Wi-Fi from my phone, and connect car to phone's Wi-Fi for Internet Data Connection.

Feel free to add more ...


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1. Updates that install new features

2. Option to change text to speech voices (The SYNC lady's voice is cool and all but I would like more of a variety like those offered on a GPS)

3. Don't love video while in motion because my passenger could watch videos

4. Ford should stop using Flash! It's slow!

5. Ability for owners to install APPs on our own.

1. Internal hard disk to store music

2. Internal memory to store music index & associated artwork, song name, album, artist, genre, etc.

With respect to those two, I think another SD card slot is all that is required, and more practical than HD. Don't think more internal memory is needed for that.

SD Cards go up to 32Gb now (maybe more?) and at 5 Meg per song that over 6,000 tunes. More than enough ... or just have multiple SD cards be genre :)

All I want for Christmas is a MFT that works 100%.

An APP that lets you play music radio stations from all over the world. On one of my BMW apps you have the ability to save your favorite radio stations from Germany, Russian and what not....I still love to listen to real world radio stations.

This way when you go on a road trip and your local channels are out of range you just switch over to another radio station from say Frankfurt, Germany FFH....thats my wish.

Also the ability to have an app that tells you your health report, mileage, oil percent on your smart phone. Say you need to call the dealer and it is 100+ or -32 outside, I call the dealer look on my app for the VIN, mileage and maybe even codes to give them for a quick diagnostic and for them to order the part. That would be revolutionary. No need to drive to the dealer just to get a part YOU KNOW THEY DON"T HAVE and then have to order and wait for days.

That would be a nice app and addition to MFT.


Apps, Apps, Speed and more Apps, let's start with Pandora!

How about a nav system that can actually locate my vehicle and track my movement?

Instead it has me driving in the woods hundreds of yards off the road 80% off the time.
