Michael, Danny and Rick on Terminator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Michael, Danny and Rick on Terminator


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
We had an interesting day today! This was Michael's maiden journey with his new SAS. It performed flawlessly. Unfortunately we didn't get any shots showing it's full flex... This trail bit back today and we just wanted to get through it.

Dannyboy, ran into some problems right off the bat. He wasn't aired down and he had trouble making over the first few obstacles, once he aired down things got worse... His auto tranny overheated and started puking fluid. Then his front left brakeline got pinched and started leaking. That was easily "repaired" with a vise grip. Shortly after that his rear driveshaft got pretzled when it made contact with a sharp ledge. Then while trying to pull him up the last obstacle of the trail, his passenger side hub blew leaving him with only one wheel drive. :eek:

Here's the photos:


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You ran Terminator, but couldn't find one spot for a flexshot!?! :rolleyes: ;)

Danny, great job on the driveshaft! :thumbsup:

Hope to see ALL you three at Truckhaven. :D

I tried to pose him here:


But the ground was so uneven I was afraid it could go over.



RangerX said:
You ran Terminator, but couldn't find one spot for a flexshot!?! :rolleyes: ;)

Danny, great job on the driveshaft! :thumbsup:

Hope to see ALL you three at Truckhaven. :D

Everytime we tried to pose it, I ended up moving or it ended up not looking like it was doing anything. It worked really well and made even a bad driver like me look good ;) .

Despite the difficulties today it was a great day. Beautiful weather, not hot or cold, perfect for being on the trail.

SVO said:


Yeah, um...I'm gonna have to back out of our light trade. I would feel bad sending you that light now :D . On the plus side I covered the missing part with red duct tape. It looks *****en now :cool:

I think I gonna be sick, excuse me while I go throw-up a lil bit. :(

Jeff -

BTW: Nice truck Michael

Just look at it this way Jeff. He busted it before you had a chance too :p

Rick said:
I tried to pose him here..
...But the ground was so uneven I was afraid it could go over.

Oh come on Rick, your just jealous that he might show you up :p j/k

Looks awesome though, I sure admire FST's work. They certainly do some out of the box thinking to get things to fit.

That's not FSTs work. Robb at 4 Wheeler Supply did the fab work. Robb does excellent fab work.. obviously ;)

Oops...I was under the impression it was FST's work, but yes excellent work indeed. I guess I should read the build up threads more often :p

When's the next run up there? Don't forget about us southern AZ guys. ;)

We kept this run small since it was a shake down cruise. We'll definately announce the next one :D

anybody want my truck?

I'm done.

Just kidding, I've been in worse spots. I've just got a few things to get squared away. my one wheel drive tire left the biggest burnout climbing up my driveway! I'll be disappointed to not be in Truckhaven (wait I left there with only 3 wheels spinning my last 2 trips there).

No but I'll take yer boat! hahaha

I thinkn your truck is cursed to have problems on every run no matter what, to me that reminds me I'm alive! besides you need more parts, work time and things to spend $$$ on dont ya?

Dude, I just picked up a new hobby since this is what all my wakeboard crew has been doing in the winter. The truck got pissed for being neglected and this is what she did to me. I'm spending all my time on the KTMs.


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Just keep those things FAR away from Truck Haven Danny :eek:

hell yes TV out by the hot tub :) in the winter here we ride snowmobiles, dirt bikes = wet and cold :)

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WOW! Micheals new Ex is cool. That thing works great. I likes the front Bumper. I guess that is the best explorer money can build :rolleyes: . I guess I would pay some shop to build me that if I had the cash, so I can't blame him...

Killer fab work- I thought it was FST at first glance too.
