Millerman has gone elite | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Millerman has gone elite

Took me a little while but figured that I spend lots of time on the chat that I should pay the site for all the help they have been over the last year..
Name is logan Miller I live neer Green Bay WI. I drive a 99 XLT with 31s.
Anyone live in the are that wants to go out wheeling some time just hit me up.


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...I just noticed your post here...You are in the "Explorer Registries" and may not get many responses here...:(

...Now that you are "Elite", you can move your own thread...Click on edit in yor first post, then go advanced...At the top you will see a pull down for move thread...The "Elite Explorer Registries" can be found here...

congrads on being elite
