Moab 2011 - May 21 | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2011 - May 21

Moab Date - May 14th or the 21st 2011??

  • May 14 2011

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Ha, I'm not much of a solicitor. I'll spend some more time on the boards and keeping up my registry. We had plans to be in the area that weekend. Maybe a "if we cross paths be sure to wave" is more appropriate, I'm not sure how you guys run big events.

Looking to check out up to 3+ trails.

Sounds good. . . We usually meet up at the City Market, which is the largest grocery store in town, at "around" 8:00 a.m. or so, and try to be on the road to the trail head by 8:30 after topping off fuel, food, ice, etc.

'91 Sport

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Really? I was thinking of bringing my son again as sort of a father son thing(like camping every other wknd isn't?) and was hoping you're kids would be there again. Also Moab rim is a favorite of mine and it's usually a short one too!

I'm still unsure where I'm camping but I'll be there for beers at the campground ;) I may be staying the week after as well. I have friends coming down the following wknd.If anyone wants to stay and do a long ride like White Rim or something I may into that too.

We'll be just south west of Moab (160 miles) doing Hole In The Rock if you want to come down. There is free primative camping (no facilities just a peice of ground and fire ring) or a campground and family unit trailers to rent. We plan to meet at Halls Crossing sunday afternoon the 22nd and go in on the difficult section on monday the 23rd. We will camp on the trail that night. And we might not get out all the way on tuesday the 24th but folks who want could drive on out and back to the campground or trailer at Halls. Then wednesday or thursday we do the rest of the trail to Bluff. Everyone is welcome.

This is turning into a father son deal. My son is coming out with me. Larry's son will be with him, Larry's brother will have his son and they have a friend that will have his children.

We'll be just south west of Moab (160 miles) doing Hole In The Rock if you want to come down. There is free primative camping (no facilities just a peice of ground and fire ring) or a campground and family unit trailers to rent. We plan to meet at Halls Crossing sunday afternoon the 22nd and go in on the difficult section on monday the 23rd. We will camp on the trail that night. And we might not get out all the way on tuesday the 24th but folks who want could drive on out and back to the campground or trailer at Halls. Then wednesday or thursday we do the rest of the trail to Bluff. Everyone is welcome.

This is turning into a father son deal. My son is coming out with me. Larry's son will be with him, Larry's brother will have his son and they have a friend that will have his children.

Sounds good. I started a new job monday and I may not have time to get ready for the trip so I'm just playing it by ear for now. Hopefully I see everyone in Moab, but...

I am going to be arriving earler in the week and dont want to run the same trail twice, so who is interested in running
pritchett canyon, Behind the rocks, golden spike, Moab rim or poison spider mesa?

I am going to be arriving earler in the week and dont want to run the same trail twice, so who is interested in running
pritchett canyon, Behind the rocks, golden spike, Moab rim or poison spider mesa?

I will be getting in weds, ready to wheel thursday morning, be there til sunday/monday? I really want to do Behind the rocks, so wait for me on that one for sure :thumbsup:

Other than that one, I'm game for whatever, prittchett, moab rim haven't done for a while, Spike/spider did twice two years ago, so I hear you about not wanting to do them twice, nice trail but long enough without having to do two days in a row. Flat iron mesa, metal masher, green day, also look fun and havent done yet, kinda burnout on Hells revenge/fins n things and top of world (although fins would be awesome as a night run!) but whatever everyone else wants to do should be fine.

At the risk of outraging those who won't actually be in Moab, I'd sign up for Moab Rim in lieu of Prichett Canyon, especially now since Clint is officially "on the fence..."

Also coming in Wednesday evening, ready to go Thursday. Good scenario for me would be make-up Metal Masher with Gary on Thursday, plus one more trail based on start time (Flat Iron Mesa?), Moab Rim on Friday, "anything" Saturday . . . Been a few years since PSM/GBR/GS, so would gladly do that one again, up for others as the group decides. . . Will probably leave on Sunday, will leave Behind the Rocks for you guys. . .

'91 Sport

If by some miracle I get my rig put back together the beginning of next week I'll be there but working (7) 12's I just don't have the time ;)

One Week ! ! !

Need some sunshine - - getting Gills out here in the Pacific Northwet!

'91 Sport

Paul: just picture one week setting up camp, cracking a cold one, life is good! Anybody check weather lately?

Paul: just picture one week setting up camp, cracking a cold one, life is good! Anybody check weather lately?

looks really good compared to Northwest weather high in high 70s's low 80's chance of rain on Thursday

Paul: just picture one week setting up camp, cracking a cold one, life is good! Anybody check weather lately?

No, I don't want to jinx it;)

I guess I'll be "that guy" it has been raining or snowing here all week so hopefully things change. I guess it is still about a week away though. On a lighter note it may control the dust :)

Still sitting on the fence about attending this one. I have an expedition trip coming up over Memorial Day along the Continental Divide Trail/Route so I may sit this year out again in order to prep everything for my trip the following weekend

Looks like I'm going to make it too! Just got the truck together tonight so I have to prep the tow rig and trailer. I'm open to any trail run and should be there Tuesday ready to run Wednesday. Staying in Canyonlands Campground. Drive safe, see you in Moab. Allen

Looks like I'm going to make it too! Just got the truck together tonight so I have to prep the tow rig and trailer. I'm open to any trail run and should be there Tuesday ready to run Wednesday. Staying in Canyonlands Campground. Drive safe, see you in Moab. Allen

Great news glad your going to make it Allen! Save some rock for me I'll be there wedsnesday to hear about the trails and ready to roll with y'all Thursday. See you and everyone else in less than a week :D

I'M OUT! Between changing jobs paying 2 months of mortgage, gas at $4.00, and 45 days without a pay check, I just can't swing this one. Have fun guys and be safe. If anyone is driving through Rifle and wants to stop in for a beer let me know.

I'M OUT! Between changing jobs paying 2 months of mortgage, gas at $4.00, and 45 days without a pay check, I just can't swing this one. Have fun guys and be safe. If anyone is driving through Rifle and wants to stop in for a beer let me know.

Maybe this summer or fall I'll get through there. I sometime camp up north of Rifle and a site that over looks the town and valley. Maybe you could come up and share a campfire and a glass of sippin whiskey. Might have a xtree ceeegar too.


  • Rifle Campsite.jpg
    Rifle Campsite.jpg
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One week from right NOW my butt should be in MOAB:chug::exporange

Still sitting on the fence about attending this one. I have an expedition trip coming up over Memorial Day along the Continental Divide Trail/Route so I may sit this year out again in order to prep everything for my trip the following weekend

Come along for an easy cruise with Ryan and I. We're planning on running scenic, not hardcore trails:thumbsup:

(edit) Not that the hard core trails aren't scenic, but you know what I mean;)

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Holy Crap ! ! !

Here I was thinking this just may be the smallest turnout ever for Moab (at least the last ten years), and we get a couple extra people showing up !

Clint - Sorry , I'm sure you'll get back soon. . .

Allen - Glad to hear you are coming back - - can't wait to see your rig - you wheeled like an All-Star last year at near stock; just hope I can keep up. . .

Brian - C'mon! You've got the cleanest 1st Gen Explorer ever! Come back and enjoy Moab! I've got an empty passenger seat if you want it.

Jack - Save a couple hundred miles and get yourself to Moab - - you will not regret it. . .

"Jonesing" hard for Moab! ! ! ! ! ! !

'91 Sport
