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modified airbox (holes)


June 11, 1999
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I read all the posts I could find on this, and went ahead and drilled mine. Yes, it did seem to make a difference in power, where I live (coastal Washington State- we've had a cool summer so far)but the intake noise at 3/4 to full throttle was a loud but liveable, for short durations i.e. passing etc.
Then I made a trip to Montana, encountering longggg, steepppp mountain passes and hot (95 plus daytime temps). Now the intake roar got really annoying (loud enough that turning up the CD wouldn't cover it up!)and any inreases I gained by the drilled airbox were more the negated by the engine breathing in super hot under-hood air rather then the cooler exterior air, even if it's 95 degree air. I also developed a pinging problem, even with higher octane fuel.
So, I covered up the holes I had made in the airbox, insulated as much of the air intake system as I could with aluminum foil covered foam tape, removed the baffle at the air intake behind the grille, and disconnected the vaccuum line from the airbox temperature sensor to the vaccuum motor on the valve in the intake ducting underneath the battery that blends the cool outside air with heated air. Now my engine breathes the coolest, most
dense air without the loud intake roar. The pinging went away. I can burn 87 octane again. And the performance is nearly if not equal to what it was with the drilled airbox.
When I got home from Montana,I found in the mail one of the 4wd mags that coveres this in a mileage enhancement article. They explain the technical part of cooler air intake and how it affects horsepower.

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Well I myself have a lifted 5.5 inch 92 Ford Explorer with the KKM. I have never had any kind of a power loss problem with it on hot days, it has always been a real gain of power. I run 85 octane gas all the time, I have never run 87 on this vehicle yet and never have had pinging even with the A/C on and the heat way up. I don't know why the KKM would be any differnt then drilling holes but apparently it is. Dead Link Removed So I have an exact opposite story, Mine works well all the time!

Ryan Penner
1992 Explorer Sport

Contrary to popular belief, depending on the situations you drive in, drilling holes in the airbox and even the KKM is a bad decision. I personally have the KKM and do notice a negative effect as opposed to the stock airbox when the weather gets hot. I live in NY and currently the weather is in the mid 90s - never have, but also overheated yesterday and why, b/c I was in a little traffic (A/C not on) and the KKM was only sucking up hot air. Hot air under the hood will affect gas mileage and hp no matter what anyone says - ask the pros.
For example, if its 80 degrees outside and 165 under the hood, you can gain 7hp by using the cooler air from outside - in essence you are losing hp from the filter element. I do not recommend using the KKM during the sultry days of the summer - its much better to use the stock airbox w/no holes. However, as soon as the heat goes away, or if you decided the install rapped or ceramic coated headers, then slap the KKM on for maximum performance.

Weatherman, what year and engine is yours. I would like to remove the baffle also, but mine (95 Sport) may be different. What was the procedure and any hints ? and did you plug the vacuum line or just remove it ?? please advise. your post makes sense and here in NC where it has been 'code orange and red' for the last week this could help get in cooler air...

SORRY instead of Weatherman I meant EXPLODERMAN .. I got my 'mans' mixed up...
