Mom's threatening to take X away if I ever go offroadin.. =/ | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mom's threatening to take X away if I ever go offroadin.. =/

Sheesh, how many times do we have to say it... :rolleyes:

Join a group run with us, bring your parents, let them see how great a hobby this is, and get them hooked! :bounce:

What a great family sport. Dead Link Removed Getting to areas in nature not attainable by others, experiencing God's show at night. We enjoy the experience of nature as God reveals it to us in places that others will never have the capability to see. What a contrast that is to other pasttimes involving typical illegal substance abuse amongst teenagers.

I hope to meet you and your family someday on the trail. :)

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My first automobile when I was 16 was a suzuki samauri (don't laugh too loud, I put a 231 Buick in it and all new suspension and lifts). To tell the truth, I never broke a single thing on it after off-roadin' for 1 1/2 years. My parents were just like yours, I owned it, but they payed insurance. The only time I got busted was when my dad saw a brand new tow strap in the back seat (I had to replace one for a friend who broke it pulling me out), and then he took a good look under the truck. Not good. When talking to your parents about anything you are doing to the truck, always mention safety about 6 times in the conversation. Every mod you do is improving the safety of the truck. If you ever conveince them that you have done enough safety mods, maybe they will change their minds a little.

Other than that, listen to your parents anyway. One day you will realize that they really knew what the hell they were talking about!

Originally posted by GJarrett
Sheesh, how many times do we have to say it... :rolleyes:

Join a group run with us, bring your parents, let them see how great a hobby this is, and get them hooked! :bounce:

What a great family sport. Dead Link Removed Getting to areas in nature not attainable by others, experiencing God's show at night. We enjoy the experience of nature as God reveals it to us in places that others will never have the capability to see. What a contrast that is to other pasttimes involving typical illegal substance abuse amongst teenagers.

I hope to meet you and your family someday on the trail. :)

Perry's folks come 4 wheeling with us a lot. They did Moab last year and plan on doing Moab this year. It is a lot of fun!!! I also agree with getting together with a group....the group we get together with in Denver is a great group, and your folks would have no problem with you running with them. And they can see that we are not all insane, and do fairly doable runs!!!!!!!!
Good luck!!!

Well thanx guys..but I still have a lil reason for argument :p. There are some very easy trails aournd here. Some of them I wouldn't even need 4x4 to go on safely. And I LOVE to go offroadin out in the forest around here (which I am very familiar of). I been ridin fourwheelers out in the forest all my life up til now. I just sold my fourwheeler for money to mod my Ex with (ironic?)! lol. And if I ever do go on trails that my Ex might not be able to handle (which I would only do if I had serious mods on my truck) I would only do it with my other 4x4 buddies. And I have commen sence enough to be able to determine wheather or not my truck would be able to handle an obstacle well (plus I'll have friends to go 1st to test it out, haha). I know I'm being really persistant, but what can I say?? I got a passion for wheelin :D!!

Originally posted by Forder
And I have commen sence

I'm sorry, common sense? What is that? :D

I think common sense and off-roading should often not go together in a sentence :D :D

get a quad and tow it to the trails with the ex and try to get them to go with you and with time you may get to ues the ex (tow the quad in a little deeper each time)

lol, your right to a certain extent :p. Rephrase: "I can think logically.." Hmm..I dunno, does that sound better..?

Originally posted by TwoToneX

I'm sorry, common sense? What is that? :D

I think common sense and off-roading should often not go together in a sentence :D :D

And you are the one that is putting your "X" higher in the air with bigger tires and you don't use common sence???
I can see the picture of your undercarriage coming up and you saying I don't know what happened, I just wanted to get higher on that rock!!!!

Don't got the money to get another quad, at least a decent one anyway. I'm gonna put most of my money in my Ex this summer anyway. But I might be able to go quading with some buddies and borrow their fourwheelers.. but it's just not the same...:(

what i am saying is break them into it slowly

Im only 16 too but unlike you my parents dont care because I own the car and pay for everything myself. They dont really care about off-roading but just a fair warning..... THE COPS DO!! This is expirence talking so watch where you go muddin.

Well out here in the middle of nowhere of KY, there are tons of trails on land that nobody ever acknowledges. Police know where all the trails are cuz there's a lot of them that just branch off the main highway around here, lol. All my buddies in school go wheelin all the time out there and never get in trouble. Also sometimes the police station right outside the exit of the trails to set up speed traps. They see offroaders come out of the trails all the time and don't ever acknowledge them, heh. Our town is so small too, we only got 4 cop cars in the town, heh. Plus my dad went to highschool with the sherrif here and they'r decent friends, so I'm sure even if they did ever say sumthin to me, they'd let me off the first time at least (I know I'm prolly stupid for assuming that, but it's possible, heh).

tell them its and off road truck or a motorcycle!

I was 20 when I brought home my first bike and my mom didn't talk to me for a week! Two weeks when I brought home the second on two months later!:D

BTW - just kidding, If I would have said that when I was 16 it would have been neither!

Geez, it's so different to hear this kind of thing. When I first got my '91 after totalling a '79 MBz (btw, completely not my fault), my father was almost annoyed that I hadn't taken it mudding. He thought I was being too careful with it. LOL. However, he won't let me raise the '94. That's my mission this summer (come on, 2 1/2 inches ain't nothin') :)

Look man, the only reason she doesn't want you to go offroading with it is because she knows you'll end up breaking something, it always happens.......then guess who gets to buy the replacement parts? probably your parents, because you aren't working yea i'd stick away from the trails until you can buy it yourself and or afford to fix all the little problems you'll have with it.

Tell them that is what the hell they were built for not to be a yuppy pavement queen. Nothing pisses me off more than to see some driving any four wheel drive and dodging a water pudle or pothole. Again theis is what they were built for.

if you are going to have a transfer case use it.

Well, EliteConcept, that's not completely true. She makes ME pay for everything that goes wrong with that truck, or needs to be replaced. There has only been one exception where she has paid for something that needed to be fixed, and that was that the a/c needed a new condenser and needed to be recharged. Everything else that has needed fix or replaced I have paid for out of my own pocket. I've paid/installed new shocks on it and replaced the EGR valve w/ the hoses that connect to it. I'm also paying for the set of tires that are going on it here in a month or so with my own money. So I got a lil bit of back-up cash to spend on it, just in case anything else needs to be fixed/replaced. But hopefully everything will hold together now for a while. Cuz if something major does go wrong with it..well I won't have that much cash to cover for it :(. It's got 152k miles on it, so I'm startin to worry bout the tranny, but it hasn't been actin up at all so far *knock on wood*. But in the unlikely event that the tranny gives..then unfortunitly, I'll be without a truck until I can pay for it, or at least most of it. But the point is, that if even if I do go out and tear something up, it's me that's payin for it. Cuz they wouldn't pay for something that's my fault for tearing up or even let me drive anymore if I did something like that wheelin, heh. So they definitely wouldn't pay for it in any way.

Guess What? its her explorer not yours...guess who gets to make that decision?

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Well it's really more mine than anyones. My grandparents baught it for me and payed for the whole truck. On my insurence, it's listed in MY name, but she's payed the 1st payment on it. But from now on I have to pay for insurence and everything else that goes into it (Except for gas, heh). But really, it doesn't matter if it's mine or not. She's my mom and she has complete authority over me, I know this. But what I am trying to do is to convince her that I will be alright if I go do at least some light offroading. And whatever damages, if anything, I will pay for anyway. Because I don't wanna go offroading unless it's ok with her. I just need some valid reasons to go.
