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More on TTB camber shims


Truck Season!!
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Elite Explorer
August 3, 2000
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Okay here is the deal. If you run a 2" longer then stock coil, a 2" coil spacer with your lift, the F-150 spring seats, or anything similar you will end up with + camber on your front tires.

Well there are camber adjusting shims made to correct this situation and bring your camber back within spec.

The problem is that most auto parts stores and alignment shops only list a maximum of 2.25 degree's in their parts catalog's and these are not drastic enough to get rid of the + camber. The fact is that their are aftermarket companies that make shims with up to 3 degree's +/- camber.

2.75 degrees shims are the one's I need for my truck. I have a James Duff 3" lift coil and drop brackets with the F-150 spring seat, yielding me approx 4-3/4" of lift. My wheels with the 2.25 degree shims installed are still 3.23 degrees + camber, which will wear out my tires in no time flat and cause the truck to wander all over the road.
With the 2.75 degree shims installed the + camber is reduced to 1 degree +, or within spec. Truck tracks straight, tires wear evenly.

So dont let them tell you it cannot be aligned, inform them that they need to order in the correct shims to do the job.

Federal Mogul makes the best shims for this application, they are under the MOOG brand name. They are superior to the other shims I have seen because they are stainless steel, and the offset camber hole is drilled at an angle so it does not stress your ball joint to it's limits (other shims simply move the ball joint stud over where as the Moog shims actually change the angle of the stud and moveit over). The MOOG part numbers are:

K8983 - 2.75 degree's, 91-94 Explorer 4x4 (3.5 degrees installed on 2WD) dana 35 TTB

K8984 - 3.0 degree's, 91-94 Explorer 4x4 (3.25 degrees installed on 2WD)

Specialty Products Company also makes 2.75 degree shims.

Dana only lists 2.25 as their max, Ford only lists 2.25, and most other companies only make 2.25 max.

Carquest carries MOOG chasis parts and they were able to get me the correct shims with same day service.

Napa's computer listed 2.75 degrees for a 4x4 but when I went to pick them up they were Dana 2.25 degree's, wrong part.

Hope that helps somebody with their alignement issues....

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Very Good Info... I am glad you posted this... nkow i know this will actually work..... this thread is now subscribed to for easy access later

Bumped for others like me.

Very good info indeed 410! Just so happens i am in need of the 2.75 kit myself. If it weren't for this info with part numbers, they would have been a nightmare to find! thanks Again!

Just wanted to add that I found this site online that carries them - I just bought them! Here you guys go, hope this helps:
