More than two inches of lift !!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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More than two inches of lift !!!


Well-Known Member
August 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ranger
Here is what I started with....

BTW: Check out the amount of articulation this things got !!

After I got the new suspension on it...

Look, I've got over 2"s of lift !!

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Your mom must be very proud of you. Keep up the good work. One gold star for you.

Be careful of the "death wobble" on the highway.;)

looks like you busted a headlight might want to get a new oen b4 the cops bust ya.....

also BIGGER TIRES !!!!!

Get this kid some homework to occupy his time!!

Thats pretty cool though ;)

nice man, weres the steering?

*cough* Bigger tires *cough* :)

I got the springs/coils off some old radio controlled car I have sitting around here.
I plan on using these tires instead of those plastic NYLINTS !!!

They'll set me up another 1/2-3/4" and they're about an 1 1/2"s wider

now all you need to do is strap a couple big model rocket engines to it

I'm just a big dumb idiot folks

Me and a friend did that back in high school took about a thousand legos. Built a car put in one "C" motor ignighted it right off the knuckle hair left after that. It rocketed right to the end of the driveway where it ran into the it was pretty to see all those legos raining down.

By the way the rocket motor no longer was housed in the legos at this point man did we scatter.

hehehe, my dad used to do stuff like that, hell he used to throw paint cans into fires. My dad and i also used to launch "real" model rockets, sometimes they explode in the air. Those things really give er! We used like 3 stages of "d" rockets strapped in bundles of like 7 :D. Rocket took off outa sight.

shane you crack me up!!

Damn my brothers friend broke what i had done to the h2 :(, i think i should kick his butt lol.

you gotta put a little metal pipe in it to house the engine.Have the rocket engine with the front of it pointing slightly down, and it will keep it on the it in the mall parking lot at nite.Very cool!

did i post this one before?



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