Motorcraft Service/Ford Service Info for Telematics Control Unit (TCU) Module in 2020 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Motorcraft Service/Ford Service Info for Telematics Control Unit (TCU) Module in 2020 Explorer


August 5, 2020
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City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer XLT
Anybody with access to Motorcraft Service/Ford Service Info willing to share the SYNC3 - Removal and Installation - Telematics Control Unit (TCU) Module information? Trying to confirm location of TCU so can finally fully disable the vehicle's modem. I've attached a pic of the the same info found for a 2019 Ranger, but can't seem to locate it for a 2020 Explorer. Any help appreciated!

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Would that item also be involved in Over The Air Sync 3 updates?


Although I don't have time to search right now, it has been posted on here already on how to disable it.

Ok, took 30 seconds to fix it so guess I did have time.


Looking at various articles on OTA updates, it seems that removing the modem will not allow these updates to occur as they require full access to the in-vehicle communications system so that updates can be installed on all ECUs of the vehicle. I'm guessing that includes the TCU. :dunno:


Ok, took 30 seconds to fix it so guess I did have time.

Thanks, blwnsmoke. Checked out that thread. Good discussion, glad to see others interested. OP (NJ Fred) didn't share how his NJ dealer disabled the modem. jmr061's solution of master resetting the SYNC system doesn't disable modem data transmission but does remove vehicle's link to FordPass. I figure disconnecting the power and/or antennas from TCU should do the trick, thus the request for the Explorer version of the Ranger doc I posted.

Anybody with access to Motorcraft Service/Ford Service Info willing to share the SYNC3 - Removal and Installation - Telematics Control Unit (TCU) Module information? Trying to confirm location of TCU so can finally fully disable the vehicle's modem. I've attached a pic of the the same info found for a 2019 Ranger, but can't seem to locate it for a 2020 Explorer. Any help appreciated!View attachment 329109

Thanks, blwnsmoke. Checked out that thread. Good discussion, glad to see others interested. OP (NJ Fred) didn't share how his NJ dealer disabled the modem. jmr061's solution of master resetting the SYNC system doesn't disable modem data transmission but does remove vehicle's link to FordPass. I figure disconnecting the power and/or antennas from TCU should do the trick, thus the request for the Explorer version of the Ranger doc I posted.
Found it! The TCU in 2020 Explorer is behind the left loadspace trim panel in the back. If anyone has success getting to it, please post pictures and report what (if anything) happens when you unplug the cables. I haven't opened my Explorer up yet.



  • Telematics Control Unit (TCU) Module.pdf
    184.9 KB · Views: 628
  • D-Pillar Trim Panel.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 331
  • Loadspace Trim Panel.pdf
    818 KB · Views: 580
  • Rear Scuff Plate Trim Panel.pdf
    589 KB · Views: 282

If you look up subwoofer installs you can find a few posts with the device on the rear fender well. It is right in front of the sub box.

It is in the st sub install thread in the st mod forum.

Anybody with access to Motorcraft Service/Ford Service Info willing to share the SYNC3 - Removal and Installation - Telematics Control Unit (TCU) Module information? Trying to confirm location of TCU so can finally fully disable the vehicle's modem. I've attached a pic of the the same info found for a 2019 Ranger, but can't seem to locate it for a 2020 Explorer. Any help appreciated!View attachment 329109
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