My '01 Sport - a work in progress... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My '01 Sport - a work in progress...

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Hi Matt:

What did you do to cover up the screws that held on your luggage rack?


Thanks Matt:

Another question - how did you color the gray rubber pieces on your step bars and rear bumper? I would think that paint would wear off with use.


Mine were all painted by a body shop. As long as the surfaces are preped properly and use an Adheasion promotor they accept the paint fine. Mine have been painted for 3 years now with no problems at all. Still looks great.

Congrads Tool Man on your Explorer

I also drive a 2001 Sport.

I wanna do more mods on mine but I just got a few mods on it. I have dual chamber 2 flowmasters and customized yellow fogs but more mods to come.

Check out my 01 Sport and tell me whatcha ya think.

Thanks Matt.

Sams01XplrSprt: nice Explorer. I like the exhaust, especially. Which Flowmasters did you use? 40's? I think they would probably be too loud for me (I have a long commute every day). Do you have any pics of the exhaust routing on the driver side? I've been wondering how to snake the pipe through there.


Hey John,

I was checking out the pics of your explorer on Webshots. I really like those Cobra wheels on your X. I was thinking about getting some similar for mine. Are you planning on keeping them or were those just for the camera?? ;)

JDGREEN8513 said:
Hey John,

I was checking out the pics of your explorer on Webshots. I really like those Cobra wheels on your X. I was thinking about getting some similar for mine. Are you planning on keeping them or were those just for the camera?? ;)

Hi DJ:

Both of those pictures are photoshopped. I used those pictures to visualize what it would look like. I've tried every 5-spoke design I could find in 18", and finally settled on the '03 Cobras. I've been waiting for a good deal on them in 18x9. I finally won a set on Ebay on Saturday. They should arrive this week. I can't wait to get them on. :D


Hey John,

Yeah I thought they looked edited but I wasn't sure. I can't wait to see them on your Explorer. I have some plans for mine over the summer, so we'll have to get together.


JDGREEN8513 said:
Hey John,

Yeah I thought they looked edited but I wasn't sure. I can't wait to see them on your Explorer. I have some plans for mine over the summer, so we'll have to get together.

Yeah - we'll do that. Dean and I stayed up until 2:30 last night installing camber adjusters, lowering it 2" in front and cross-drilling the brake rotors. Wheels are in my living room, and tires are on the way... :thumbsup:


Yo i got the same car same model same color and everything.I put HIDS on it the real silvery ones i got a tv in the dashboard flips opens and tints thats all i have added.I`m wondering if anyone has any good leather seats in black that i can put on it any websites or anything really in need in help of that.And also thinking of getting black rims but not sure......Also you know how these sports one just have two roof rack one bar at the right and side i wanna change em in chrome but is that even possible do they have that anywhere????

Hi S~Writer:

Welcome to the site. I don't think Ford ever put black interiors in Explorers, especially in leather. You could get your seats recovered by an upholstery shop. There are a few companies that sell replacement seat covers in many different colors and materials that you could install yourself or have someone do for you. Do a search on the internet for the covers. Also, I've seen a number of threads on this board about people painting and dying interior pieces black, so do a search here, too.

I've never seen a black explorer with black wheels. That would be different for sure. That might look pretty good, but it would depend upon the wheels you choose. Maybe if they had a polished outer lip they would look good.

I've never seen luggage racks in chrome for Explorers. Not sure I want to, but hey, it's your truck.

Do some searching around on this board. There is a bunch of information available. Most anyone on here will help if they can. This is the place where I got many of my ideas. Once again, welcome.


Yeah thanks for the welcome tool man i guess your right bout the roof racks also i wanted to get black rims cause you know i haven`t seen no one with it but you know from the imagination i think it`ll look real good on the explorer and about the seat covers lets see where i can find them then but thanks for everything

Posted some updated pictures. Enjoy.


the_tool_man said:
Hi Matt:

What did you do to cover up the screws that held on your luggage rack?

Great lookin ride, this is how I dealt with the screw inserts.Licence plate plastic screw covers painted to match.
Remove the screws, used a BB sized piece of two part epoxy putty to stick them on, you can pop them off if you ever have a need.


  • Mvc-007s.jpg
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Thanks spindlecone! Great idea.


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Nice truck! Not to say your new wheels are bad, but I just love the new wheels that Ford came out with. Maybe they just weren't your taste. Your truck looks great though.

