My 2000 Moutaineer | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2000 Moutaineer

well i have been reading and have been gathering most of what i need so i figure its about time i make a registry. I have a 2000 Mercury Mountaineer Premier AWD V-8 which is now almost at 160,000 Miles

Heres a few pics stock




only things i have done so far is new leaf springs and the hitch

as for my plans im going to be putting some Rancho 5000s on there

and lifting plans:

shackles are going on soon

this is going on as soon as i get the $ for new wheels and tires :)

its a 3 inch body lift so im probably going with some 15x8 wheels and some 33x12.5x15 BFG A/T tires its probably going to eat gas like i eat cookies but its still going to be my DD :p

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Dropped off at a local shop. Getting it tonight or tomorrow. Sound clips after I get it

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Got the truck back. DAMN does it sound GOOOD! Lol. I'll put up sound clips and junk tomorrow when my neighbors wont hate me for revving the engine lol

Great Mounty man. I picked up an RCI skid plate, should be here soon and I'm pretty pumped to get it installed. Any chance you can go about showing us how you got the antenna mount made up?

hey sorry for the late response but yeah no problem. ill take a few pics later on. they are made out of angle aluminum but if i were to do them again id make them out of steel for the added strength and use the metal back things (sorry for ****ty description) used in This thread.

EDIT: i think those metal things are called cage nuts but im not sure

Its actually good if the antenna brackets bend. I always forget to remove my antennas when I go in the woods and the antennas and brackets end up bent, which is better than snapping them off as they bend right back.

sorry for not getting any pics up yet i had my orientation at Monmouth University the last two days and i just got home so ill get them up ASAP and id listen to sport97 then as he has had them longer than me

well guys i traded in the old mountie. just started having too many problems. so heres a pic of my new ride

Whoa, the Mounty was nice but this is Really Nice! Congratz!!

Wow thats a sharp looking truck!

Lol thanks guys :) I love her. And Nahhh I ran 31s on the Monty these r 35s lol
