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My 2001 Ranger Edge 4x4 Supercab


Explorer Torture Tester
Elite Explorer
April 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Gloucester City, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 2Dr,2,000 & 04 4dr xlt
Just picked up a 2001 Ranger today and figured I would start a thread and post the first picture of it.


Got new tires and used wheels so here is an updated picture.


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oooooh....thats super nice. my favourite colour to! looks like a 4 door cab, 3L or 4L? auto or 5spd? im also trying to remember if that year had those crappy vacuum actuated front hubs or not.

Its a 4.0 SOHC with automatic transmission. It is a 4 door.
No vacuum hubs, just straight cv shafts into the hubs(like Explorer)
They did away with the crappy vacuum hubs before 2000, my last Ranger(2000) didn't have them either.

The interior is black and grey.


This 2001 Ranger has a bed cover on it, my 2000 Ranger did not have one.


normally i would say pull the 60/40 out and swap your explorer buckets and console in but i think thats the first one have seen in a while where the seat didnt look messed up, and the flip down console wasnt crushed. i would however put the overhead console in, but thats me, and its your truck right?

It looks just like mine started! Mine isn't an edge and it had the crappy 3.0. I've got 2003 explorer sport seats mine. The only weird part of the swap vs explorer is the buckle pretensioners are in the seats.

I was just thinking how nice it would be to have an overhead console in it. LOL.
Also was thinking "I wonder where that thread is"

Boomin, that's a nice truck you have there.
How much lift is that? 7 total?
What size tires?

How much lift on yours?
What size tires?



Mine sits about 7" total now. The tires are 315/75/16 which is basically a small 35" tire.

normally i would say pull the 60/40 out and swap your explorer buckets and console in but i think thats the first one have seen in a while where the seat didnt look messed up, and the flip down console wasnt crushed. i would however put the overhead console in, but thats me, and its your truck right?

The explorer short console also bumps you up to 4 front cup holders. If you get creative and add an armrest with the pull out cup holder in the back that puts you up to 8 including the ones on the jack tool cover haha

Tim, are your rims 15 or 16 inch?

Stock 15 Alcoa’s with 33x12.5 15 durra tracks. they do however rub if i go full lock. and when those tires are done, i would have no problems buying another set of them

The explorer short console also bumps you up to 4 front cup holders. If you get creative and add an armrest with the pull out cup holder in the back that puts you up to 8 including the ones on the jack tool cover haha
you are able to hide a carton of marlbro's inside the full length console when you cross the us/canada boarder if the heater ducts and wires are gutted from it.......so i have herd

I quit smoking in 1999.
Maybe I should have stopped sniffing glue too. lol

Very nice Ranger Edge, I think that's just about what you were after yes?

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Very nice Ranger Edge, I think that's just about what you were after yes?

Yes this was one of the vehicles I was looking for.
I still would like to pick up an Escape and another 1998-2001 4 door explorer with 4.0 SOHC.
My old 98 4 door is rotting bad but I am only a few thousand miles away from 300,000 so I will keep driving it until the tires are bald or something quits on it.

I need 4 tires for this Ranger, the ones on it are really dry rotted.
