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My 2012 Ford Explorer Limited

Hi Peter,

I haven't experience that problem of the pants or legs rubbing against the running boards when I get out of the car but then again I am almost 6'2". I don't think that the running boards stick out that much but I will be taking pictures of the boards with the doors open doing a top view and you guys can have an idea how much they stick out.

The rear reflectors at the bottom of the fender do not light up. That was the reflection of the camera flash. I had the camera flash set to Auto and even though was a sunny morning somehow the flash when off when I took that picture so what you see is the reflection of the flash on the lower reflectors.

Also I have been asked about the running boards ground clearance and here are the measurements;
The Boards have a 9" ground clearance and the mounting brackets gives the truck a 7" ground clearance

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Hi Peter,
The rear reflectors at the bottom of the fender do not light up. That was the reflection of the camera flash. I had the camera flash set to Auto and even though was a sunny morning somehow the flash when off when I took that picture so what you see is the reflection of the flash on the lower reflectors.
That was my initial thought. They do look nice all 'lit' up though.
I checked out the Shark Fin site and they stated that there may be a slight reception loss on weaker signals. Perhaps you can provide some feedback on that once you install it. Thanks.


Looks great, been wonder what these would look like the explorer. Our MDX has something similar to this design and I love the look.

How big is the gap between the running boards and the bottom of the truck? I noticed some gap from the pictures you posted.

Hi Spitfisher,

The break down cost of all the upgrades that I have done to my Explorer so far are;
1. Mud Guards front and back was less than $100 but I had my local Ford Dealer installed them for me. I didnt want to bother taking out every tire so when I called the dealer they told me that they will do it for $100+tax=$109.00 so I thought it was worth it. These I bought on ebay and they are OEM Ford Parts and completely brand new.
2. The cost of the rear Cargo liner, Cargo organizer, wheel locks and Locking Gas Cap was $202.00 all OEM Ford Parts and I bought them from, here is the link
3. The Cross Bars was $126.00 and I Installed them Myself.
4.The Running Boards was $458.00 also I installed them myself.
5. The Shark Fin Antenna MKII from Visual Garage was $81.00

The Gap that you see between the running boards and the bottom of the truck is a little lest than 1". These running boards can be brought out if you want. They seem to be adjustable as far as how much you want to bring them out. I have mine placed all the way in which I think is the perfect fit.

If you parallel park close to a curb, do you run the risk of hitting them on the curb?

Hi chsheets, These running boards have a 9" ground clearance at the edge of the boards and the mounting brackets underneath the boards have a 7" ground clearance . Unless the curb where anyone is parking is more than 7" high then there will be no problem at all mounting these running boards to any 2011,2012 Ford Explorer.

What I was describing in the previous paragraph is the small gap that exists between the rocker panel bottom lip and the back edge of the boards. It was the answer to the question asked by 1tufgt.

I just wanted to let you guys know that my Shark Fin Antenna from Visual Garage arrived today. I have taken a few pictures(pre installation) so you can see what it looks like. Mine has been painted White Platinum Tri Coat to match the color of my Explorer. It only took 2 weeks from the time of ordering to delivery.

I will try the reception first of the Shark Fin Antenna before permanently install it on the Explorer. I will let you guys know the results. I will also take pictures of the antenna already installed on the Explorer.






I installed the same antenna from Visual Garage and have no reception problems.

The point of this Shark Fin Antenna is no other but to give the Explorer a better look replacing the stock Ford Antenna.

The reason why I want to try it out before installing it permanently is because I have read some threads where some people have had reception problems. I just want to make sure although if later on I may have any problems I can always put the OEM Antenna back on.

The reason why I want to try it out before installing it permanently is because I have read some threads where some people have had reception problems. I just want to make sure although if later on I may have any problems I can always put the OEM Antenna back on.

So the OEM antenna is a mast on fender like the gen 4?

edit: oh I see, it's the black antenna on back of roof.

This is my 2012 Ford Explorer Limited in the White Platinum Tri Coat with the 3.5L V6 4WD with the Medium Light Stone Interior and the Equipment Group -302 A.
I purchased this Explorer on September 2011 and I have been doing a lot of upgrades by Installing the Roof Rack Cross Bars,Ford OEM Mud Guards,Large Size Cargo Organizer, Cargo Net and the latest upgrade have been Installing the "Dee Zee" NXc Running Boards. I have also ordered the Shark Fin Antenna Mark II from Visual Garage which should be arriving at the end of this month.

For those who are interested in knowing the model number for the running boards, they are made by Dee Zee and the model number is DZ16202. They are the Black Boards with Chrome Trim. You will also need to order the Intallation Brace Kit #DZ 16221 because the Running Boards do not come with the Installation Kit. They are made exactly for the 2011 and 2012 Ford Explorer and they do not required any drilling. I installed them myself and it took me only 1 hour.

The Running Boards are also available in "Black Boards with the Black Trim"(DZ 16201) and "Stainless Steel Board with the Black Trim"(DZ 16203).
Here is the link,

I have taken a few pictures so you can see my gorgeous explorer and the way the running boards look. Please feel free to send me an email with any questions.

Best Regards,
















Those pictures are taken in the Flushing Meadow Park, they look GREEEAT!!
Awesome car. Congratulations.


You Explorer looks awesome! I now think I would have gotten the white platinum tri-coat too if I had seen your picture before I order my explorer last July. :)

Next time don't show your lic plate or take picture out trust me !!

That is one fine looking LIMITED!! I just ordered the Dee Zee running boards and bracket kit off of Amazon for $398 with free shipping and no tax if anyone is interested in buying a pair. They look great on your Explorer!

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I'm interested in a set but without the chrome strip on the outer edge
