My brother, the ricer... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My brother, the ricer...


Explorer Addict
November 27, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Geneva, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Subaru Impreza WRX STi
It's a sad day when I have to admit to being closely related to a ricer.

My 17 year old brother was given a '92 Honda Prelude a few months back. It had the potential to be a nice car. The last time I saw it in early July, it was completely stock. I came home this weekend for the long holiday weekend, and in two short months, he has transformed it into what is nearly the pinnacle of riceness. The car now has:
-Blue fog lights in front of the stock fog lights (He did not even remove the stock fog lights!)
-Blue "bolt lights" replacing all of the front and rear license plate bolts
-Blue windshield washer nozzle LEDs
-Blue side blinkers (oh, but they don't blink with the turn signals, they just constantly light up blue when he turns them on)
-Blue neons throughout the interior.

It's only a matter of time before he has altezzas and a 3 foot wing. The funny part is he swore up and down he would not rice out the car... I guess he doesn't know what rice is.

At least my next younger brother (15 years old) is aware of what is and is not rice. He wrote "GAY" in big letters on a piece of paper, and taped it to the car over the "Pre" part in Prelude (So it read "GAYlude"), and the 17 year old drove it around like that for a week before he noticed! :D

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If those are his first mods.. all cosmetic... i'm sure it will only go downhill. :(

I think in the beginning we all did "cosmetic" things first because we didn't know any better. As we gain experience from others (and this site is an excellent place to get that) we start to understand what is cool and what uncool (read: ricer).

Your brother will be fine. He'll grow out of that stage. Just hope he doesn't do enough damage to that Prelude before then.

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
I think in the beginning we all did "cosmetic" things first because we didn't know any better. As we gain experience from others (and this site is an excellent place to get that) we start to understand what is cool and what uncool (read: ricer).

I remember the first thing that I did to my Explorer was put blackouts on it:p And I look back now and realize just how cool that really was...;) :p

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
I think in the beginning we all did "cosmetic" things first because we didn't know any better. As we gain experience from others (and this site is an excellent place to get that) we start to understand what is cool and what uncool (read: ricer).

Hmmm.. I don't remember putting anything neon on my ride. :p I remember the K&N intake... the magnaflow catback.. oh shoot.. i forgot about the billet grille. :cool:

Cosmetic mods are one thing... but neon cosmetic mods have ricer written all over them. :D Get this kid into some sort of program!

Well Isorta gotta agree about the first mods being cosmetic... I mean, I understand what you guys are saying, but at the same time, in the ricer community, they arent always the brightest bunch, and to them, neon is not a bad thing... its just step number one into the "club"... kinda like bigger tires and a body lift is a good start here... I dunno, its late and im out of it... haha...

Originally posted by section525
Cosmetic mods are one thing... but neon cosmetic mods have ricer written all over them. :D

Riced out cars are bad enough, but when someone tries to rice out an Explorer or other truck. :eek:

I've seen a few of them and I just shudder. I hate that neon crap. :p

Originally posted by section525
I don't remember putting anything neon on my ride. :p I remember the K&N intake... the magnaflow catback.. oh shoot.. i forgot about the billet grille.

So you're saying you were cool from the start. Um, sure, Section, sure... ;)

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
So you're saying you were cool from the start. Um, sure, Section, sure... ;)

I'm saying I didn't add any neon washer nozzles, license plate bolts, or under dash/vent/whatever neons.

If you are saying you think I'm cool.. thanks, x-factor. :D I know how hard it is for you to express your emotions. :p

Originally posted by section525
I know how hard it is for you to express your emotions. :p

LOL... wait ... hey... don't start with me... :D

I'm 18. The stuff he has done so far I could tolerate, as long as he doesn't go for the 3 ft. wing like you said. I do remember my first mods to my Explorer when I was 16: K&N filter and a Flowmaster Catback. No appearance stuff at all. I want to lift it and add some big M/T's but it's kind of hard being a poor college kid.

I don't understand why the police are not cracking down on the blue and red lights on the front of cars.
When I was in highschool in the mid '80's anything other than clear or amber lights on tne front of a car was a garanteed ticket.
Same thing goes for the exhaust. The stupid fart mufflers would have been a definite no no had they been around then.

My sister put a sound-activated neon ring around her radio last week... She drives a Toyota Corolla.

Today she asked me what the diameter of her exhaust pipe was.... and where to buy a tip. :eek:

hmmm...lets see, i had ventshaed the day after i bought the ex, clear corners a month after, a system the day i bought it, and tint a month after.

I would love to get my hands on a powerstroke diesel (1995 - 1997) and really hop this sucker up. Bigger fuel injectors, meaty turbo, straight pipe, etc. :D

I could also add one of those truckers wings. You know, the semi's use them so the wind goes up and over the trailer? That would probably be handy on my fuel economy, and look cool.

If else fails, how about a 10 foot wing? I saw a truck with a wing one time, and almost threw up. What a piece of junk. Good thing it was a toyota :shoot: They mounted it on the back tail gate. Makes me want to beat the **** out of those things everytime I see them. It's not a style, it's a aluminum eyesore. :hammer:


my buddys putting neons on his heep, but he keeps complaining that he can't afford a lift- he's dropped about a grand in ricey crap for it.

no, i think i can safely call his a heep- it looks nice in my album, but on that trip, he blew a tranny (one of many that hes been through, and also blew his engine a week ago). He lovingly refers to it that way, too.

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This kid in a gaylude pulled by me the other day in the parking lot and asked about the website (sticker on my window). I said, "yeah, we learn from each other and promote safety, mods and 4wheeling..."
He asked about my mods and I asked what he did. He said what he has done and that he's had some help along the way...
I asked, "From your Uncle Ben (Uncle Ben's Rice) or local shops?" He didn't get it of course, and said, some friends, some shop work. Then, after a brief conv about mod costs, I said we had to roll...
I had to get away before I beat him on the head with his wing (which the car would need to be going ~100mph for it to probably be effective),
