my first before/after | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my first before/after

I was street (see "before pic",[slightly lowered]), but I recently saw "the light" and became more of an off road type of guy. So I did the usual tt and shackle lift, then threw some 32x9.5 super swampers on her. I'm so happy with the look, what do you guys think?





I didnt have a spotter to get me up on that man hole and by the time I got out I was too cold to adjust her, it was around zero degrees and I didnt think you guys would mind too much...

In the before pic you can see my work area (a nice level dirt patch). Just throw some boards down and instantly you have a nice solid surface for jacking, so I'll have to wait until the weather gets nicer to install my 3" body lift.

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Nice job. Those tires look good and agressive. Exhaust looks cool too. What happened to your rear door?

i was backing up a friends drive way in the rain, and in 2wd. i didnt realize how muddy it had gotten and i started to slide... right into a tree =/ i have a new door, the only problem is it's green. so until it gets painted, that one stays:D

Looks real good, glad you made the change:D Did you have to trim anything?

actually, no i didnt. i was really suprised, and lucky. the chart on the tire page didnt include 32x9.5, so i was a little nervous

Nice job on your truck. :)

A big hi to another member from Connecticut!!

Too bad you weren't able to get to the Hooters run we had in December to celebrate one of the member's birthdays. :D

Thanks a lot guys. And a big hello right back at you SoBeLover

I really wanted to go to that, but my job got in the way. Hopefully next trip I'll be free.

Nice truck.. If you haven't already, take off the rear sway bar and do some disconnects for the front.. You'll seee some nice flex from it afterwards.

Originally posted by Brans Freestyle
Thats looking pretty good. and thats quite and exhause tip you have on there, what type of exhaust do you have?

thanks, my friends a general manager at a mieneke shop, i had him do my exhaust. its a jones turbo muffler, sounds pretty mean, and he threw that stainless steel tip on there for free... i think it looks pretty good. pipes are 2 3/4 if i remember correctly.

i was thinking about removing the sway bars, that might happen monday. thanks for the input guys

what gears do you have i am looking at a similar setup but with 3.55gears i am afraid that it will be a little sluggish

i havnt mustered up the guts to mess with my gears, so im still stock. my buddy's regearing his mustang, i think ill have him help me after his goes well. right now im a little slower than i was with the stock tires, but it isnt that bad. those swampers eat all my gas just doing the speed limit, so im not really that tempted to drive fast anymore. probably a good thing

Looks really good.. I think its time now for 2 more inches of lift. That will really make those tires look mean.

oh yeah, definatly. i have a 3" performance accessories body lift waiting for warm weather :cool:

Very nice. I cant wait to see it.

Those are some mean looking tires buddy!! :)
