My Grandma lost it this Thanksgiving... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My Grandma lost it this Thanksgiving...

My Grandfather lived until 79. He would have been 80 that month. My Grandmother passed away 5 years after my Grandfather. She was 83. A doctor in training killed my Grandmother in the hospital. She was in the house during a hot summer day, and fainted in the bathroom. An organization which would give her food everyday called me to say that they tried to ring the bell, and she didn't answer. I rushed over there with a friend of mine, and got an ambulance. They revived her, and said that she should go to the hoispital. She put up a fight, and said that she will die if she goes to the hospital, but they said that they have to take her. I followed the ambulance, and saw her in a tub of ice. She was trying to scream, and was shaking from the cold, but the doctor said that they have to rapidly bring her temperature down. They forced a tube down her throat, and told me to leave the room. The main doctor walked in, and began to yell at that doctor in training. He said that he forgot to turn the pump on, and she choked on her saliva. That doctor was screaming at him for being so stupid, and said that he killed her. I wanted to go back into the room, but they wouldn't let me until she had already passed away. The doctor in training said that I heard everything wrong, and he tried to do whatever he could to revive her. He didn't even bother to pull the tube out of her throat. He just left it in there, and cut it. If this weren't bad enough, that hospital started to harass me in the worst way they could for 2 years after this. Every few weeks they kept mailing me bills for different amounts for the time they worked on her. They said that her insurance didn't cover their hospital fee. I refused to pay it, then they started to call me day, and night with different scams. They called me 12 AM, and said that I have a brother in need of an operation, and I have to go sign papers or they can't operate. I told them that I don't have a brother in that hospital. Then 7 AM that morning, they had somebody else call me with a similar issue explaining that another relative needs an operation, and I have to come to the hospital. I should have changed my phone #, but kept it for 2 years until I moved. I didn't hear from them since then.

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sorry to hear bout that rick

I am sure she is smiling down on you with her whole senses about her again, Rick! Here is to all the grandparents we love and miss! :dpchug:

Sorry to hear, Rick, but I'm glad for your family and her that it is all over. She lived a great, long life, and obviously enriched the lives of those around her in many ways. Here's to your grandmother. :chug:

Rick & Char, sorry to hear about gramma. Hope the family is doing as well as they can. Just think what life would be like without grandparents, oh yea, it would'nt. It is pretty cool when they are alive long enough to see their family grow. Best wishes and never forget the memories. AWG.
