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My iPad Mini Build Thread

More pics: (Since I am saving the last post at the top for finished pictures)



Another "before" picture of the small double din

I will also do a video of the finished product, and demonstrate all the features, OBD2 app, etc. The jailbroken iPad will be here tomorrow! (Sat) Expect the finished results Sunday! I am thinking about trying to drill a hole carefully and fit a 3.5mm headphone cable through, to go straight to the EQ which would make this so much easier. We'll see.

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Brian, is your iPad jailbroken also? If so, grab EqualizerEverywhere from Cydia. Works brilliantly, and on all audio output from the device.

Yeah, the one I am getting tomorrow is. I'll check it out, thanks for the suggestion, but I'm most likely going to stay away from any EQ settings as I'll be running a standalone EQ right under the iPad to control everything.

Its "done!" Check out the first posts for the update!

Awesome! So it will be operational once you plug in the iPad?

if you can integrate a power cord you can use that to wake up the ipad... you just need to add a momentary push button on the face of the install and make it turn off the power and the screen will wake up when charging starts back up, then just slide to unlock.... soundman claims they set the price higher because of the type of plastic they use in the mold... they claim the abs that the imitation dash kits use does not bond to polyester resin and CA glue like the ones they make.... I just want to call BS on that one.... its looking good

It's fully operational just being in the vehicle which is the cool part. Right now, sliding it in simply charges it and holds it.

if you can integrate a power cord you can use that to wake up the ipad... you just need to add a momentary push button on the face of the install and make it turn off the power and the screen will wake up when charging starts back up, then just slide to unlock.... soundman claims they set the price higher because of the type of plastic they use in the mold... they claim the abs that the imitation dash kits use does not bond to polyester resin and CA glue like the ones they make.... I just want to call BS on that one.... its looking good

It's jail broken so I have it doing exactly what my video (on my iPhone) shows in the posts above finally. Key on = wake the ipad, unlock it,open and start playing Spotify. Key off (and door open because of the delayed acc) = it pauses whatever is playing and locks the iPad. I didn't want to have to have any interaction to get it going every time I get in the car. I'd like to call bs on that though as well, mine stuck perfectly fine to the glues I used before the bondo. It's purely a marketing gimmick, people look at them thinking they're the only ones who make those kits and can install them so they just accept the outrageous prices.

I found a new tweak that lets you bring ANY video into a separate floating window and size it however so for example I could have a video playing while also using Waze navigation or DashCommand. Pretty excited to try it out tomorrow.

Bluetooth adapter is a no go thanks to the characteristics of the EQ.

So this has to happen.

Heading out to dinner right now, will post back later with the update.

(Long) Update:

So I made the mistake which I mentioned previously, of molding the lightning cable in, before really trying everything out. It was originally planned in my head that I was going to run a head unit above the iPad, with that kit I posted in the first post. I set it there a couple times while driving, and didn't really care for how much space it would take up. Sure, I could make my own, but im not great at making something out of nothing, so I didn't really want to try, as I wanted to get this project buttoned up finally and have good working audio again.

I figured, cheapest route, I could just keep the double din I had (Pioneer AVH-X4700BS) and sink it back further to clear the iPad kit. That radio I believe is bluetooth 3.0 though, which means lag. Music is fine, but when it came to videos, theres a 1-2 second delay on the sound vs whats happening on the iPad. Its not a big deal, but it would drive me NUTS.

So I did some research, because I have many bluetooth headphones for work that have no lag when i'm playing Netflix or YouTube at work. (Bluetooth 4.0 and above appears to have no lag)

I had 3 options. Since the usb cable was already permanently in place, I was limited. The lightning cable has digital audio, not analog like the old 30-pin connector. What most people do, is buy a lightning to 30 pin adapter, and then the 30 pin to 3.5mm and USB. This gives you an audio connection, and a USB connection to get power from. This would've plugged into the USB charger, and then the 3.5 into the back of my EQ which is mounted under the vents. I planned on using the EQ to control the audio. (Volume, sub level, bass/mid/treb).

1. Buy a really expensive DAC which uses the lightning cable. They literally only have one, its been out for years, and its just under $200. This is a big unit that you plug the lightning USB cable into, and then another mini-USB to power it, and charge the iDevice, and then it outputs the sound through a set of RCA's which would plug into my EQ. Again, volume through the EQ.

2. Buy a bluetooth receiver that outputs to a RCA or 3.5mm and uses a mini or micro USB to charge/power. This was before I knew about the lag.

3. Buy a single din to mount in the glovebox, plug the iPad lightning cable directly into the head unit. Now head unit charges, and controls volume. Also have the option to listen to FM if I ever wanted to again, and have a bit more tweaking of sound.

So here's what I did today. I bought a mechless Pioneer deck (Mechless=no CD so the deck is about 4" deep, and weightless) and I also bought a nice little bluetooth receiver to try my other idea. Radio was about $75, bluetooth adapter was about $30. Still way cheaper than the $200 DAC, which I will explain why, later, i'm glad I didn't order.

I tried the bluetooth adapter in my house on a set of computer speakers with the iPad. It sounded great, and there was NO lag. Seemed like I had the perfect device. Audio quality loss seemed very minimal as well. So I went out, removed my old head unit, and rigged up the set up to run the bluetooth adapter and my EQ. For some reason, the volume was extremely low. It didn't sound bad, but full blast was about "highway with the windows down" listening level. Guess I could've adjusted my 4 channel amp gain higher, but I didn't want to do that, as it would start to let in white noise.

Bigger issue though, is that the EQ really pissed me off. It has a volume knob, and a sub level knob. In my eyes, and im sure yours, the sub level would be just like a head unit, set it to match the blah blah without clipping and such, and then your volume controls the master level. Nope. This EQ volume only controls the 4 speakers, while the sub stays at the same volume its set at. (Meaning if I turn both volumes halfway up, I have both bass, and music. If I turn just volume down, I have no sound from the speakers, but the subwoofer is still pounding)

So at that point I was pissed, knew I needed a head unit, and was glad I decided to buy one in the same trip from earlier. I forgot how TINY the 4th gen glovebox is, so basically I have very little room left, but it fit nicely. I have extended the power and remote wires and ran them, as well as the (single) RCA's to the EQ. This bothered me at first, having only one set of pre-outs, but the EQ only takes one input, and splits them to a front/rear/sub, so it worked out. I have also ordered this:


That will allow me to completely disregard the head unit, and not have to touch it. It has a nice remote control, but of course the remote doesn't work with the glovebox shut. I can mount this IR extender and hide it, and have full function with the remote, which will control the volume. Best part is I will also be able to control play/pause/and skip forward and backwards tracks on the iPad without touching it.

So, the EQ now, is just that; an EQ. Its nice though to have sub control, as well as all my frequency controls as I listen to a large range of music and constantly adjust it on the head unit.

Here is a quick video, its dark, but I got everything set up and working exactly how I want it! I will have better video(s) tomorrow or Monday once I button everything back up and get it completely put back together!


Beginning posts updated earlier! I finished it all up today! Im in love with this set up.

Tomorrow my IR extender will be here and it will truly be done.

Updated again. Installed the IR extender and everything works fantastic! (Updated the 3rd or 4th post with the pictures of the finished install)

Finally started the wiring on my switch bank if anyone was curious how that was going to look.

I tapped the lower LED into my shifter light so they'll only come on when my headlights are on, as well as dim with the dimmer dial which is cool.

The top LED only comes on when the switch is on.

Since I am running relays for each switch, I am just tapping into the radio ignition wire for my trigger wire, which I also like because I won't be able to accidentally leave any lights on without my key in.

Just the illumination is hooked up here, the USB charging ports are on the right side, and glow blue just like the switches but they are blue when on, so that one gets its own switched power source which wasn't hooked up yet for these pics.





If only I could modify my HVAC controls to be blue...

Do you have a lightbar in your grill or on your bumper? I've never seen those I think. I know we both did the projectors at about the same time last year.

great idea led on the PRND321, do you have pics?

Do you have a lightbar in your grill or on your bumper? I've never seen those I think. I know we both did the projectors at about the same time last year.

I don't, yet. After I get my lift installed, I have a 52" bar for the windshield, and then I plan on running a bull bar with a 20" or so, then various pods underneath and in the rear bumper for dark trails when we go off-roading.

great idea led on the PRND321, do you have pics?

It was actually WAY too bright, so I unplugged it for now. If you do this, face the LEDs down, or put some kind of tint on the strip and try it before you put everything back together.

I don't, yet. After I get my lift installed, I have a 52" bar for the windshield, and then I plan on running a bull bar with a 20" or so, then various pods underneath and in the rear bumper for dark trails when we go off-roading.

It was actually WAY too bright, so I unplugged it for now. If you do this, face the LEDs down, or put some kind of tint on the strip and try it before you put everything back together.


Thread bump... this bezel is now for sale. See signature below for link.

Sorry to see you are selling your explorer! Hopefully you'll have another soon.

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Just wanted to bump this thread, maybe being in the 4th gen section vs the for sale area, it'll get more attention. The bezel is for sale!

EQ, vents, voltmeter, switches ETC included! No iPad! Make me an offer!
