My latest Trance single on Music.Download.Com | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My latest Trance single on Music.Download.Com

Ken Cooke

Explorer Addict
April 18, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Riverside, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Rubicon - Tomb Raider
Here's my latest single that I wrote, composed, edited & produced on my home studio. Tell me what you think - if it rocked, if I should trash it, should I quit my day job, etc... I don't care, just download it and pass it along to someone who might like it. Thanks!


"Distant Voices" (303 Machines Edit)


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Ken anytime you wanna burn anything you have mixed down/spun and send it my way with a bill, I'd be more than happy! :bounce:

In fact got a invite to see in Austin last week, and to say the least, inperson he just plain rocks!

Honestly if I had a CD player in the rig and it wouldn't skip on the stuff we run, I blast all through the woods!

Thanks for sharing your work I loved it. :cool:

Sounds good...
My freind is best freinds with the guy who made this track you can download on the first page of
have a look and let me know what you think...

Hey guys,

Thanks for the nice words. I appreciate you supporting my music endeavors. Being a newbie at writing music is much worse than at 4 wheeling. You get to practice by driving around all day - you can only play with the electronics when all of the chores and work are done for the day... :banghead:


Ken Cooke said:
- you can only play with the electronics when all of the chores and work are done for the day... :banghead:


Tell me about it. I got the Yamaha AW16G digital multitrack for Christmas, and its been out of the box twice. :(

That is pretty good. I am not a fan of that type of music, but this is one that will definitely stay on my hard drive. :)
