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My Motivation


Well-Known Member
October 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Auburn, AL/Montgomery, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
What I would like my X to look like. More street than mine will be but it is still awesome.

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What are you talking about???

Edit: Now the Photo shows up!!! before It wasn't there, hence my reply.

That is a sweet looking X.

i like that but make it your own X and not a look alike. something simalar would still look sweet. Can't make 2 X's look the same b/c that so boreing

lol I wish I could make my x look like that. I do plan on making my X completely black. I hate the two tone that my current XLT is sporting. I am not getting that brushguard or twenties. I will have smaller alloys and atleast 31s. I am going to lift mine(not much) but the general idea of the monotone black is what I like alot. I am getting my clears in soon and I may trade my billet grill in for a speed grill. But mine wont be broken like that. It will be one whole piece. I have a black safari bar but dont know how long it will stay on. I really like those fogs. Any one have a clue what kind they are? I just really think it is a sweet truck. I have had that picture since it was posted in Truckin' in aug '01. If you go to and go to the featured cars you can see some more pics of it. He traded out his front and rear seats for sparco racing seats. So he has four individual seats. I had never seen anything like that before.

it looks good. but i would like it better without the brushguard.

it would look even better if it wasnt graffitied on with all those stickers.... reminds me of a ricer

Originally posted by leenjen
it looks good. but i would like it better without the brushguard.




I may not be on large rims like that.. but the similarities are cool.. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought a street X with guards would be a good idea.

the streeters need the guards becuase without them , they are so low that a stray shopping cart will whack out some expensive light or the speedgrill

hey I'm stock height thank you very much lol

I've never had any clearance problems with the kind of driving I do..

DF1, that wasnt meant as an insult...... i dont like brushguards period..... but the lowered ones have more to be afraid of.... i mean a huge lifted truck is going to hit less dangerous things on the ground than a truck that is closer to the ground

I know, I just had to say something hehe

but in order to "mod" my vehicleI hafta put something on I can remove if/when I sell it to keep resale value up, and guards seem to do a good job of giving you thta kinda look w/o any serious modifications (besides the small marks on my bumper from when I found out what a limited slip makes you do on dirt roads)

I'd be scared to lift mine, I corner way too fast lol, certainly the lower you are, the more you have to fear, you shoudl hear me argue with people who slam their vehicles lol around here even my stock height almost scrapes in certain places :p

It's cool but it looks a little busy with all that crap on it, I like a cleaner look. But, look closely at the hood......

Yeh I hate all the stickers too. But if they helped pay for all of the stuff he put into that thing then I think I could bare with them. Ford sent him the X and had him hook it up. He wanted it to be "treme." Thats the reason for the Brushguard and all the other chrome. Something more simple would not have cut it. He changed almost everything on the interior as well. Pretty nice stereo set up. Hartman,I love the hood. I tried to find out who made it but on his mod list it said "custom hood.
