My new '02 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My new '02

Bought this 2002 Eddie Bauer V8 about a month ago. Got rid of my trusty '97 Dodge Intrepid for it. I'm happy to be a Ford owner now. Been on the site quite a bit since the purchase and it is a great site.
Haven't done anything to the vehicle yet other than toss the dealer plate frames and decal.


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nice x u got there u plan on doing mods to it


I'd like to do some mods in the future but I have more important things to spend the money on now so time will tell I guess.

how much mileage u got in ur x. ur x looks brand new and its in mint mint shape for an 02

About 103,000 miles now. I definitely can't complain about how the previous owners took care of it.

thats in excellent shape for an 02 with 103k miles on it keep up the good work
