My New Baby | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My New Baby

Not many mods yet....K&N drop in,screen front grill guard,(painted) probeam headlight covers,(these look awesome at night),wind deflectors,and tail light covers(painted),3ARacing crystal hyper white,and pilot driving lights with h3 superwhite bulbs....(all really simple stuff)..more to come!

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sorry guys...I'm having probs posting pics/url's......

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hey you live in boilingbrook, you a member of noiec? the northern illinois explorer club?

Hey jas84!

No... I am not a member....I have been to the website though.....I haven't attempted to join,because in all fairness,I know I wouldn't have the time to participate in most of the functions,and get togethers....that would'nt be fair to me or the other i just watch from afar!

nice ride..I admire how CLEAN it is..

Hey DVR1,

Nice ride! Where did you get the front grill guard? Can you get em for the '91-'94s?

lund makes the screen for the 91-94..have one on my rig, if you want to check the sig...

Mdrut is correct.....lund makes them(as well as a host of others)...I ordered min from J C Whitney


This is a dumb question I'm sure, but I'm gonna ask it anyway :). The pic is kinda dark, don't you have the stock grill just painted black? If not, do you have any better pictures of that grill?

BTW, your truck is so nice, I think clears would look tight on it!


Thanks Fitz, first, this is not my post..Don't want to steal anyones limelight...I'll be putting up a new post later tonight..SORRY DVS1

another nice ride..Is all that bass really necessary..hehe..hmm, "Diva" and "Sindy"..does that mean...hehe

Sorry DVS1!


mdrut.......YUP!.....that means ...........women rule my life!
(wife, daughter and 2 female Ex's!).....that IS what you meant right?.....hehe......;)

HEHE..COOL...I can now say nice ride MAN....It is ok, it takes a real man to admit that women truely rule our lifes.."DID YOU HEAR THAT HONEY."..hehe

tee-hee...!....tooo funny!
