My sweet new diesel! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My sweet new diesel!


Typing Police
April 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
In the mug by Chitown
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 JEEP Wrangler
Picked up the new tow rig yesterday. 1995 Dodge 3500 dually diesel 2x4. Rides pretty good considering it's a 1ton. I bought the truck from Riffman and got a good deal. It's a strong truck and I managed to get 21mpg driving into a 20-30mph wind. Tons of power and alot of fun since it's stick. New exhaust and pyrometer are on there way. Stereo will go in later this spring after I get more work done on the bronco.
Here's a pic.

That's the good side. The paint on the other side is rough, but mechanically the truck is very solid! I'm excited. It'll haul the bronco quite well!

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I wanna ram soo bad. Pretty sweet truck, looks clean too. Gotta love Cummins power.Butt he way with the price of diesel bien 3.00 bucks a gallon or more, im gonn ahve to wait for it...oh you can try out those biodesiel things and report your findings ;) :p

great looking truck

Not sure if you saw it, but the biodiesel setup on Trucks costs about 2600. I'm aware it can be done cheaper, I'm not gonna do it though. Actually, I was paying about 2.60-2.70 in premium for the GTP so adding another 10 cents a gallon with how good the milage is on it, and the power it has, it's not a huge deal for me. But it's sweeeet

No chip for this truck... No computer to chip! I can get a torque plate aka fuel plate which will bump me from 175hp/420ft/lbs of torque to 230/630. That very well may come this summer :) It would be awesome!

Gotta get the bronco done first
