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National Differential Axle


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I’m looking to buy a remanufactured 4.10 rear axle and came across a company called National Differential. They seem to have good reviews based on google.

They’re asking $1500 for a reman 4.10 LSD + $250 shipping. But at that price I think it’d be better to buy from a more established company like Jasper, assuming they’re not even more expensive. Does anyone have any experience with National Differential?

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why are you wanting a new axle? You should be able to have the old one rebuilt with whatever ratio you want for that kind of money.

Every town seems to have a good axle shop. I'm sure they can rebuild yours with a local warranty and no shipping charges.

why are you wanting a new axle? You should be able to have the old one rebuilt with whatever ratio you want for that kind of money.

The problem is finding a good axle shop near me that I’d trust to re gear. I’m in southwest Florida and can’t find any place with a good reputation rebuilding axles.

I get that. I recently was in need of a new diff, I asked a few of our commercial customers (I worked at a NAPA store at the time) and they directed me to a local shop. So just go to automotive places in your area and ask about local shops. And Google is always helpful.

Junk yard a good inspection and a can of black paint
No reason not to
Just my thought

Junk yard a good inspection and a can of black paint
No reason not to
Just my thought

I’d like to find one at a junkyard but the clutches will most likely be worn out. Finding a D2 with low mileage at a junkyard will be difficult.

I found one with 131,000 miles on eBay from an 05 sport trac. They’re asking $600. I might just go with that.


Those have bigger rear brakes as well. I'd go for it

Those have bigger rear brakes as well. I'd go for it

Do those Sport Trac's have vented rear discs by chance?

I also would choose to rebuild mine or find another used one to work with. The gears will run less than $200 if you have to have them, and the other parts are not bad at all. Advance Auto has an aftermarket brand LS clutch kit for about $90, which has eight pairs of clutches instead of the stock six. I have one to put in my 99 soon if I can make time to do it.

Setting up R&P gears is the only critical part of a rear axle rebuild, the rest is no trouble for any decent mechanic.

Setting up gears with the rear out of the car is a delight, plus it’s an excuse to buy new tools.

Doing it under the truck sucks

Do those Sport Trac's have vented rear discs by chance?

I also would choose to rebuild mine or find another used one to work with. The gears will run less than $200 if you have to have them, and the other parts are not bad at all. Advance Auto has an aftermarket brand LS clutch kit for about $90, which has eight pairs of clutches instead of the stock six. I have one to put in my 99 soon if I can make time to do it.

Setting up R&P gears is the only critical part of a rear axle rebuild, the rest is no trouble for any decent mechanic.

Nope non vented but they are a little taller so the vented ranger brake swap might be worth it on this setup. You can tell by the backing plates, they are flat at the ends vs the lip on the normal 2nd gen rear.

Nope non vented but they are a little taller so the vented ranger brake swap might be worth it on this setup. You can tell by the backing plates, they are flat at the ends vs the lip on the normal 2nd gen rear.

Thanks, I'll have to look at those and the late Ranger rear brakes. I have a set of 03-2011 Crown Vic rear brakes, and those have different parking brake cables that require a bracket on the housing to hold them at a 90* angle to the backing plate. I'd like to upgrade the rear brakes on my Explorers as well as my Mark VII. Those vented type are the same size as Cobra rears, but the truck calipers have slightly larger pistons than the Mustang's.
