Navigation Standard on MyFord / SYNC? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navigation Standard on MyFord / SYNC?


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September 24, 2011
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New York
This press release from Jan of 2010 ( says that Ford was making navigation standard on all MyFord/SYNC equipped vehicles..

I just placed my order for a Limited 300a over a week ago so was wondering if it would be equipped with some form of navigation.

Updated: I see that it does come with a very basic form of turn by turn navigation. The $750 navigation add-on seems pretty expensive for a licensing fee and an SD card.. glad I passed on that option.

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The key is the section that says Two kinds.
Sync turn by turn is different than SD card nav, which you do have to pay extra for.

And Sync turn by turn will need you to be connected to your phone to download directions. Also there is a sync app for iphone and droid that can save upto xx amount of destinations, that will be automatically downloaded into sync.

Voice activated nav system is $795.00.

If your already getting MFT thats a bargain.

It's only a bargain if it works, and there are a number of reports that the navigation system on the new Ex stinks.

Its not perfect but mine works and most of all I don't miss attaching the suction cup to the windshield from my Garmin every time i need directions.

I have never had a problem with the Nav. Ever. Works like a charm

Nav works great for me. Voicing it still has issues at times but well worth the 795. I don't have to worry about putting up a unit on my windshield then taking it down so it wont get stolen. Makes up for that possibility for glass breakage, gps unit being taken and anything else. No complaints.

The voice activation of the Factory NAV is very convenient and works well once you and it have gotten acquainted with each other. BUT, the factory system is very slow to program and react. I can set a favorite destination with my Garmin in 1/10 the time it takes for the Ford system.

Hi, Everyone!

For those that don't know, Navigation isn't a standard feature on the Explorer. You can have Navigation added if you have MyFord Touch, which comes on the 2012 Limited or XLT. SYNC is standard on the XLT so you would have to upgrade to MFT to get Navigation.

SYNC Services Voice Activated Turn-By-Turn Directions comes on all Explorers with SYNC or MyFord Touch.

Here's a link to all the different SYNC features:

Let me know if you have any questions!


It's only a bargain if it works, and there are a number of reports that the navigation system on the new Ex stinks.

There are a "few" reports of people having issues w/ the gps reception, but for most it works. There have been a "few" other reports of out of date maps in their area, but for most it is fine.

I LOVE the navi, and I love even more the sirius traffic integration and auto-rerouting based on traffic. I've put money on beating friends home traveling through southern california and won because they got stuck in traffic :)

Hi, Everyone!

For those that don't know, Navigation isn't a standard feature on the Explorer. You can have Navigation added if you have MyFord Touch, which comes on the 2012 Limited or XLT. SYNC is standard on the XLT so you would have to upgrade to MFT to get Navigation.

SYNC Services Voice Activated Turn-By-Turn Directions comes on all Explorers with SYNC or MyFord Touch.

Here's a link to all the different SYNC features:

Let me know if you have any questions!



Can you let us know how to add the Navigation to vehicles with MFT but without the NAV factory installed?


Can you let us know how to add the Navigation to vehicles with MFT but without the NAV factory installed?

Hi, rojomoto!

Unfortunately, it has to be factory installed. There's no way for us to add it once it leaves production. :(


Hey Rebbeca,

I read that you no longer get the complimentary 3 years of SYNC Services in 2012 Edge or 2012 Explorer models that aren't equipped with MyFord Touch. So if you don't have MyFord Touch in those vehicles you will have to pay $5 a month in to activate it.

Hey Rebbeca,

I read that you no longer get the complimentary 3 years of SYNC Services in 2012 Edge or 2012 Explorer models that aren't equipped with MyFord Touch. So if you don't have MyFord Touch in those vehicles you will have to pay $5 a month in to activate it.

I'm sorry for the delayed response, myTech Team!

You're correct. If your 2012 Edge or Explorer doesn't have MyFord Touch (but does have SYNC), SYNC Services is no longer free for three years. You can purchase it for a yearly price of $60.


Hi, Everyone!

For those that don't know, Navigation isn't a standard feature on the Explorer. You can have Navigation added if you have MyFord Touch, which comes on the 2012 Limited or XLT. SYNC is standard on the XLT so you would have to upgrade to MFT to get Navigation.

SYNC Services Voice Activated Turn-By-Turn Directions comes on all Explorers with SYNC or MyFord Touch.

Here's a link to all the different SYNC features:

Let me know if you have any questions!


Wait, those who have MFT already can upgrade and have NAV?

Wait, those who have MFT already can upgrade and have NAV?

Hi, 1995E!

From an ordering stand point, yes. You would upgrade the feature from basic SYNC to MFT, while picking the options that you want, to be able to add NAV. You still cannot get NAV unless it's factory installed.

Sorry for the confusion. I hope that makes more sense!


Why can't those with MFT have the dealer upgrade to the navigation system

Why is it not possible just to purchase the sd card to upgrade the MFT to a navigation system? My 2011 Explorer Limited has MFT but the dealership is saying that it does not have navigation system. They agreed to add a navigation system but says it is not possible, why not???

Why is it not possible just to purchase the sd card to upgrade the MFT to a navigation system? My 2011 Explorer Limited has MFT but the dealership is saying that it does not have navigation system. They agreed to add a navigation system but says it is not possible, why not???

Geeze, how many times do we have to go throught this? NAV has to be factory-installed like every other brand. The SD card won't get it done.

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I find the factory navigation to be frustrating. The subdivision I live in was built in 2006 and it is not in the maps. Also, I get frustrated that my wife can't program a destination into the system while we are moving. I try to use the voice navigation but find myself getting into fights with Sync lady, which leads to anger. In an attempt to avoid Sync induced road rage, I use the google navigation on my Droid X (which is the best navigation system in the world).

I have had my explorer a year and only used the navigation once or twice.

Just my 2 cents.
