Need creative ideas for new paint job!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need creative ideas for new paint job!!!

Hey guys last august my X got keyed and i caught the person who did it long story so i wont tell it but it is in the middle of the court system right now with the colorado District attorneys office and if found guilty which he most likey will this individual will owe me 1700 dollars.

At first i was thinking i could get some cool mods but after lookin around on this forum i have liked all the custom paint jobs i have seen people do. So i know its a little early to be planning this but when i get money i want to do it ASAP. So my question is does anyone have any cool ideas for a paint job for my X. I am slowly building my x towards off road capability so i am not interested in street paint styles such as flames. I am also open to regular two tone paint jobs

Here is my X




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i like that design but i am not a fan of white
My buddy thinks i should paint it like this
Two tone
top-dark grey

Grey w/ black trim

Edit:Your buddy and I think alike.

Burns, I was actually going to do green...:D
like so..

Or, maybe even a little red

I do like the green but i want to be original i like the grey on black but i also really liked Stic o's JP theme

My Vote goes for the gold i think that looks sweet

$1,700.00 wont get you very far.

If you want to build it eventually for offroading, have you considered just leaving the paint the way it is and invest the 1700 in a lift, gears, lockers, tires, etc.? Or maybe do a paint job on the cheap so it wont be too painful when the paint gets scratched further down the road.

But i agree with Charlie on that red, white, and blue race truck.

hehe you can do both! Stic-o's paint job cost him about $100. not counting the cost of the decals.

If you want to build it eventually for offroading, have you considered just leaving the paint the way it is and invest the 1700 in a lift, gears, lockers, tires, etc.? Or maybe do a paint job on the cheap so it wont be too painful when the paint gets scratched further down the road.

But i agree with Charlie on that red, white, and blue race truck.

i have thought about it i just got shackles and longer torsion bolts i relize that this is only worth about 1 1/2 of lift but i want to keep it as a daily driver then once i get something new or maybe when its still my dd i want to do the SOA and SAS and get rid of torsion bars and go with coils but i dont see that coming very soon cause this would all be done at same time and i drive this daily so it would be hard to ever find time to do it

but i am leaning towards maaco for a cheap paint job prob with the gray and black two tone unless some one presents me with something i like more

I really like that grey and red one!

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