Need Headlight Removal Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Headlight Removal Help


Active Member
September 22, 2011
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2012 Explorer LTD 4WD
I've taken out the top bolt, and the one behind the grille.
There's also a pop out tab at the top that I popped out.

Now I can't see what else is holding this thing but theres something along the bottom that has a good hold on it. Any and all help is appreciated. I would love to put my car back together and drive it.

I'm taking out the headlight so that I can put an LED strip between it and the bumper. And unfortunately pushing down on the bumper doesn't create the necessary gap


I've found this diagram HERE

I've removed both #2 bolts. I'm guessing the bolt left to remove is #3. I can't even see it much less remove it if this is in fact the one holding it in still.

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Interesting idea. Please keep us posted. I'm looking
for possible DRL location. Pictures please, if you got them.

You have to remove the front bumper to remove headlight housing.

You have to remove the front bumper to remove headlight housing.

Thanks, I was worried about that.

Well I got the LED's installed anyways, I just detached the bumper cover on each side enough to get the LED strips installed. I will post pictures when I have time of the install and the final product. :thumbsup:





This is what my ride looks like with: 35w V-LED 6k HID, PlasmaGlow LED strip, Piaa Plasma Yellow fogs

Okay so I'm done w/ my "DRL" mod, only thing is it's more of an "evening/night running light."
It really can't be seen well in bright sunlight so it's more cosmetic than anything. I'm very happy with the look of the finished product.
First night driving I got alot of finger pointing and head turning as I would pass people. :D
An install along the top of the headlight would be super easy but I liked the curve along the bottom so I did the extra work.
Anytime you unlock the car/open the door/turn on your parking lights they come on.
I think the install looks very clean and oem in the daylight.

For the install I slightly detached the bumper cover on each side and attached the strips.
I was never able to remove the headlight but figured it didn't matter anyways.
I tapped into the parking light and not the blinker which is in front of the parking light.
I stripped the a small 1/2 inch piece of both positive and ground and soldered an extra piece of wire to them.
Then electrical taped them back together so it looks very clean.
On the ends of the "extra pieces of wire I attached male and female quick disconnects.
Then attached quick disconnects to the ends of the LED wires.
Zip tied the extra wire and tucked it up to give it a clean appearance

Now I have plug and play LED strips that should they ever go bad, *fingers crossed*, will be super easy to replace.
I did have to fix and reapply the one strip to make it perfectly even. Use a blow dryer/heat gun so adhesive doesn't separate from LED strip.
I also did have my grille off the car already when I did this but I don't think it's necessary.
If the bumper cover doesn't flex enough I would just remove the top grille cover screws and x2 plastic push pins. That allow enough flex for the install.
The more forward you put the strip the less light fade you will have at different angles b/c the headlight lens will not cover them as much.
The trade off for the forward install is that the strip is more visible during the daytime. I chose a more invisible look, therefore deeper install.

Oh and I've also got my Stainless Aries 4" ovals installed but will have to take some daylight pictures and post later :thumbsup:

I'm thinking of this, however I would want to start in the corner (next to grill) and stop up the curve right at the blinker rather than extending it farther up as you did.....however, it still looks great!

Thanks, I think your idea would good as well. I wanted the "S" curve on mine. Post some pictures if you do decide to install the lights. I'd like to see the look of your setup as well.

It's kind of sad, I think my car looks the better @ night now than it does in the daylight, lol

Do they make an LED strip tht illuminates better in daylight?

Mike, very nice touch, I'm looking for the 411 on all the parts and install, haven't ordered my nerfs yet, waiting to see the pics. Working out all the limos with rattles, and noises with the dealer, not much time to modify yet, but pics have me excited to start!











ALL interior lights to LED (except 3rd row dome)
LED puddle lights
LED tag lights
4" Oval aries stainless step bars
LED DRL by plasma glow
35% tint on front 2 windows
Shark fin Antenna

What about tapping the LED DRL's into an accessory circuit so they come on when the iginition is turned on, regardless of the lights needing to be turned on. This way, they are on anytime the ignition is on.

Looks Great Mike! Had an idea , how about LED drls between the grill and head
Light, or across the top of headlight?

@cnsheets: I'm sure this could be done but I didn't want mine on full time. I like the option on/off.

@Spengracin: Across the top of the headlight would be the easiest install. Just pop the hood and stick on.
Then I had thought about the DRL between the grill slates but I decided I wanted something that looked OEM rather than aftermarket.
But anywhere you put these things they will surely get noticed.
Actually, now that I think about it, 2 DRL's running parallel between the headlights positioned to light up the horizontal chrome slates may look good. Not sure if it would be "too much" though.

The install information is at the above post. For the "Quick disconnects" I used check out this link
I believe it cost me $3-4 at Lowes/Home Depot. The package I bought had both male and female in them.
If there's anything else you have specific questions about let me know.

Looks slick! The HIDs look good. I am pleased that you didn't choose a blue-colored HID like some jack waggons on the road are using (which is illegal in most states anyway). Could you get me the make and model/ link of the interior, tag and puddle LEDs you used?

Mike looks great dude, will order the nerfs, tomorrow, can't wait to get them installed. Thanks for all the help and info, I may try to install them along the inside edge of headlight housing, see what this looks like?

Looks slick! The HIDs look good. I am pleased that you didn't choose a blue-colored HID like some jack waggons on the road are using (which is illegal in most states anyway). Could you get me the make and model/ link of the interior, tag and puddle LEDs you used?

Lights changed:
-x2 map lights
-x2 2nd row lights (with moon roof)
-x1 glove box
-x2 license plate lights (can use the same lights but I used the 9 bulb LED) 2 X 9-LED WHITE SMD CAR WEDGE $14.99

Super Bright LEDs 74-xHP3: Wedge Base LED bulb 74-CWHP3: Cool White $3.49
-x2 visor mirror (led is a little to bright, I plan on using wax paper or something to dim it)
-x2 puddle lights (in side mirrors)*required me to dremel housing but was very easy and only took 3-4mins/each. Then I used auto/marine silicone to reseal unit

I'm sure you can consolidate all this into one order from one place but these are the exact bulbs I ordered so you can see. I did a few at a time, hence the 3 different stores I placed orders with. Hope this helps

@Spengracin: No problem. As a side note, when I installed my Nerfs I used the larger/thicker washers for all the bolts instead of the smaller ones they tell you to use (it comes with 2 different sized washers). But I got 2 packages of hardware b/c they were missing some washers originally with mine. Just wait til you get the instructions and you'll see. You may have enough big washers anyways. I just thought they felt more secure :thumbsup:

Thanks, Mike.

Mike, same color EX as mine, do Your bumpers color match the rest of the car? Mine seem to have almost a cream tint to them while the rest if the car seems more white.

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Will do Mike let you know when they arrive, also I'm having issues postings pics on the site any ideas.
