Need help finding rear axle gear ratio | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help finding rear axle gear ratio


Elite Explorer
November 15, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Victoria, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 4x4 Explorer Stock
Guys: Can you help me determine the gear ratio in my rear axle ? I've searched unsuccessfully, and the used parts places couldn't help.

The facts: It's a posi traction Dana 8.8, on a 1993 Explorer, 4X4
last 8 digits of VIN :pUB53274
Axle Tag : S625A
Door Sticker Info: D1 Axle
Thanks for any help you can provide !

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3.73 limited slip diff.

Mud Bug: The Ford dealership told me a 3.23, but I think it might be a 3.73. Do you have a good source?
Thanks for replying

its either 3.27, 3.73 open/ls, 3.55 or 4.10...the most common is 3.73ls.....i have 3.27s and its fairly rare.....BTW im assuming its 3.73...Ranger X....the code is most likly D4

Sorry for all the hassle on this one guys.
The door sticker has D1 ?? What is a D1 ? That's the reason for my post. If it was D4 etc, I could have got it myself from the forum files.
I know it's a posi axle, which leads me to think 3.73.

Just so you know, the only reason I'm checking is I'm swapping out the axle to put in discs on the back, and have a choice in axles and ratios, and wanted to get close to what I've got cause it works good for the use this Ex is put to.
( Ski Hill Climber ) Up and down from sea level to 6,000 ft.

Thanks to everyone who read and posted !
Stumped on Vancouver Island !

Jack up the rear end and turn the drive shaft. Count how many turns (and part turn if applicable) it takes to turn the rear wheel 1 complete revolution and that is your ratio.

Beautiful !
Thanks, I can do that !

Counting the rotation is a good method, but with such close ratios it can be hard to get it. The sticker on the door should tell you the Axle code:
The ratios are not determined by the trim package.

Axle codes on the inside door panel:

41 - 3.27 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
45 - 3.55 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
46 - 3.73 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
42 - 4.10 non-limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D1 - 3.27 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D4 - 3.73 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)
D2 - 4.10 limited slip (Explorer/Mountaineer)

Hope this helps ya.

the other method, pull the cover off the back of the diff its stamped on the pinion. while your in there you can change the fluid :p

Thanks Bluoval !! I couldn't find any references anywhere to the D1 code on the door panel !
Thanks to everyone else !
I'm off to buy an axle with disc brakes !! Can't wait to get rid of those drums !!
