Need HELP ! I'm new here | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need HELP ! I'm new here


May 11, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
St.Cloud, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer
Well I need some help with a 2000 Explorer with 5.0 in it. The wife came home with a squeek under the hood, though it was belt. After replacing the belt it was still there. I removed the belt thinking it was a pulley, still there!!!!! I'm thinking the only thing it could be that is turning without the belt on is the timing chain, has anyone replaced a tensioner. is it hard to get to????????thanks

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Thank you daffy, I will try it tonight

So I changed out my camshaft sync and sensor last night but now I'm getting a check engine light, everything is running fine, no noise, thanks god!!!!! Why is my light on?????

So I changed out my camshaft sync and sensor last night but now I'm getting a check engine light, everything is running fine, no noise, thanks god!!!!! Why is my light on?????

For that you would need to have the codes read, autozone does it for free. Just make sure you get the number, not the reason they think (i.e you want to know p141, etc). Then search for that code here, I'm sure you'll find a thread (or two hundred) on any code you come up with.

Did the CEL come on at startup, and not go off? If so, my bet is you bumped another sensor, or knocked a wire off in the process.

The only way to be sure is to get the codes read.
